I have two questions, actually. But they are very closely related.
假设我有一个简单的 struct
public struct TradePrice {
public float Price;
public int Quantity;
public TradePrice(float price, int quantity) {
Price = price;
Quantity = quantity;
b $ b
TradePrice tp = new TradePrice(50.0f, 100);
float p = 50.0f;
int q = 100;
I feel like the first, since it is calling a constructor, should have something like the overhead of a method call. But that is just a guess.
上述问题的答案实际上可能回答了这个问题也许有一些微妙的,使这些场景不同;所以我会问。假设我有一个 struct
,它本身有 struct
The answer to the above question actually probably answers this question as well, but perhaps there is some subtlety that makes these scenarios different; so I will ask anyway. Suppose I have a struct
which itself has members that are struct
types. Like this:
public struct BidAsk {
public TradePrice Bid;
public TradePrice Ask;
Then would there be any difference between these three methods?
Reset(TradePrice bid, TradePrice ask) {
Bid = bid;
Ask = ask;
Reset(float bidPrice, int bidQuantity, float askPrice, int askQuantity) {
Bid = new TradePrice(bidPrice, bidQuantity);
Ask = new TradePrice(askPrice, askQuantity);
Reset(float bidPrice, int bidQuantity, float askPrice, int askQuantity) {
Bid.Price = bidPrice;
Bid.Quantity = bidQuantity;
Ask.Price = askPrice;
Ask.Quantity = askQuantity;
我倾向认为有 struct 的构造函数,有一些开销,因此即使在上述方法中传递/设置相同数量的数据,第一个和最后一个可能稍微更有效率。这是真的?第一个和最后一个方法是否不同?
I am inclined to think that there is some overhead to the constructor for a struct
, and so even though the same amount of data is being passed/set in the above methods, the first and last ones might be slightly more efficient. Is this true? And are the first and last methods even different?
为了记录,我不是问这个,因为我错误地认为这是造成性能瓶颈或从设计的角度来说,这是非常重要的(虽然也许有人会惊讶我,通过论证 )。我问,因为我只是好奇。
For the record, I'm not asking this because I mistakenly believe this is contributing to a performance bottleneck or that it particularly matters from a design standpoint (though perhaps someone will surprise me by arguing that it does). I'm asking because I'm just curious.
You've got bigger problems to sort out first. This code smells bad.
问题#1:您使用的是二进制浮点数来表示财务 >数量。二进制浮点数设计为表示科学量,其中最后几位精度中的微小误差不重要。它们极不适合于表示确切的金额。 如果您代表财务数量,始终使用十进制,不要使用浮点。
Problem #1: you're using a binary floating point number to represent a financial quantity. Binary floating point numbers are designed to represent scientific quantities where tiny errors in the last few bits of precisions are unimportant. They are extremely unsuitable for representing exact financial quantities. If you are representing financial quantities always use decimal, never use float.
Problem #2: Supposing that you had a good reason to use binary floating point, don't use float. Use double. Modern hardware is optimized to do double precision arithmetic, not single precision; there are situations in which single precision is actually slower. Of course, double takes up twice as much memory as float, but unless you've got a few million of these in memory at once, it really doesn't matter. And besides, you should be using decimal anyway, which is four times larger than float.
Problem #3: You have a mutable value type. Mutable value types are pure evil. It is so easy to accidentally cause bugs with mutable value types. Avoid avoid avoid.
Problem #4: Is that really the right name for the struct? I would think that the "trade price" would be represented by the Price property. Is there a better name for this thing that more clearly describes what it represents? Does it represent some clear concept in your business domain?
Problem #5: You do no validation on the arguments passed in to a public constructor of a public struct. This seems hazardous. What if someone tries to trade -100 shares at a price of -100000.00 a share. What happens? Nothing good, I'll bet.
问题#6:结构的默认值应该总是结构的有效实例。是吗?此结构的默认实例是Price = 0,Quantity = 0。这是否有意义?如果没有,那么不要使它成为一个结构体。让它成为一个类。
Problem #6: The default value of a struct should always be a valid instance of the struct. Is it? The default instance of this struct is Price = 0, Quantity = 0. Does that actually make sense? If it doesn't, then don't make this a struct. Make it a class.
Problem #7: Is this logically a value type in the first place? Why is it a struct? Is this something that you feel should be treated logically as a value, like the number 12, or logically as something you can refer to "the same thing" in multiple locations, like a customer? If it is not logically a value, don't use a value type.
Assuming the name is correct and that this is logically a value type, your code should be something like:
public struct TradePrice
public decimal Price {get; private set;}
public int Quantity {get; private set; }
public TradePrice(decimal price, int quantity) : this()
if (price < 0m) throw new ...
if (quantity < 0) throw new ...
this.Price = price;
this.Quantity = quantity;
至于您的实际问题: >逻辑差异。有可能是性能差异。我没有最坏的想法,是否有一个可衡量的性能差异在这里或不。你已经写了两种方式的代码。得到一个秒表,运行它十亿次,两种方式,然后你会知道你的问题的答案。
As for your actual questions: there is no logical difference. There might be a performance difference. I haven't got the faintest idea of whether there is a measurable performance difference here or not. You've already writen the code both ways. Get a stopwatch, run it a billion times both ways, and then you'll know the answer to your question.