

编译器声称 MyClass.parse()的结尾缺少返回语句。这是代码:

The compiler claims that a return statement is missing at the end of MyClass.parse(). Here is the code:

package de.hs_rm.safelyovertaken.ble;

import android.support.annotation.NonNull;

import java.util.Arrays;

class MyClass {

    static MyClass parse(byte[] encoded) throws MyParseException {

        MyEnum myEnum = MyEnum.parse(Arrays.copyOfRange(encoded, 0, 2));

        switch (myEnum) {
            case A:
                return new MyClassA();

            case B:
                return new MyClassB();

            case C:
                return new MyClassC();

        // compile error: "Missing return statement"

//        return null; // should never be reached
//        throw new AssertionError("Should never be reached");

enum MyEnum {
    A, B, C;

    static MyEnum parse(byte[] encoded) throws MyParseException {

        MyEnum result = null;

        // parse logic here

        if (result == null) {
            throw new MyParseException();

        return result;

class MyParseException extends Exception {

class MyClassA extends MyClass {

class MyClassB extends MyClass {

class MyClassC extends MyClass {

编译器正确吗? (Android Studio)

Is the compiler right? (Android Studio)

如果是这样,在什么情况下可以达到该方法的目的?我认为 myEnum 不能为 null 并且所有枚举都包含在switch语句中,无论如何,返回语句都会离开方法。 myEnum 不能为 null ,因为 @NonNull 方法<$如果结果为 null ,则c $ c> MyEnum.parse()会引发异常。

If so, under what circumstances could the end of the method be reached? I think myEnum cannot be null and all enum are covered in the switch statement where in any case a return statement will leave the method. myEnum cannot be null because the @NonNull method MyEnum.parse() throws an exception if the result is null.

如果没有,您是否会用 return null //标记方法的(希望)不可达结尾//永远不会到达或抛出 AssertionError

If not, would you mark the (hopefully) unreachable end of the method with return null // should never be reached or throw an AssertionError?



Yes, because it doesn't verify enum coverage at compile time. Say the enum lived in another binary and it was updated with a new constant. What would the method return?

编译器不够聪明,无法弄清楚(尽管您的IDE可能是)。但这是有争议的,因为打开 null 会导致NPE。

The compiler's not smart enough to figure that out (though your IDE might be). But it's a moot point because switching on null would result in a NPE.

抛出 AssertionError 很常规。或者,考虑将,而不要使用开关。

Throwing an AssertionError is pretty conventional. Alternatively, consider embedding conditional logic in the enum constants instead of using a switch.


05-27 23:25