


1)在我看来,在目标c 中,有两个选项用于声明的属性。一个是将属性添加到标题的类体例如。

  @interface MyClass:NSObject {
NSArray * myArray ;

也可以在 @interface 正文和 @end 语句之前

  @interface MyClass:NSObject {

@property(nonatomic,retain)NSArray * myArray;

这两种样式有什么区别,以及何时选择 @property 之后,您可以找到之类的选项>(nonatomic,retain)



  • 非原子属性,主要用于整个程序中只使用一个线程时)

  • atomic (默认)

  • 保留 / strong (自动保留/释放集合上的值,确保值不会意外释放)(默认值为ARC和对象类型)

  • readonly (不能设置属性)

  • readwrite
  • assign / unsafe_unretained (不使用此属性进行内存管理,手动分配值)(如果不是ARC或对象类型,则为默认值)

  • copy

  • weak (自动将零值设置为零)引用应该释放对象,并且不保留传递的值)

  • getter = method 此属性的值)

  • setter = method (设置用于设置此属性值的选择器)

This is a two part question in hopes that I can understand more about the topic.

1) It seems to me that you have two popular options for declaring a property for a class in objective c. One is to add the property to the header's class body eg.

@interface MyClass : NSObject {
    NSArray *myArray;

Or you can add it after the @interface body and before the @end statement like so.

@interface MyClass : NSObject {

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *myArray;

What is the difference between these two "styles" and when do you choose one over the other?

2) after the @property you find options such as (nonatomic, retain). What are those for and why/when do you use different options?


Here are the only property modifiers that Xcode recognizes:

  • nonatomic (does not enforce thread safety on the property, mainly for use when only one thread shall be used throughout a program)
  • atomic (enforces thread safety on the property, mainly for use when multiple threads shall be used throughout a program) (default)
  • retain / strong (automatically retains / releases values on set, makes sure values do not deallocate unexpectedly) (default if ARC and object type)
  • readonly (cannot set property)
  • readwrite (can both set and get property) (default)
  • assign / unsafe_unretained (no memory management shall be done with this property, it is handled manually by the person assigning the value) (default if not ARC or object type)
  • copy (copies the object before setting it, in cases where the value set must not change due to external factors (strings, arrays, etc).
  • weak (automatically zeroes the reference should the object be deallocated, and does not retain the value passed in)
  • getter=method (sets the selector used for getting the value of this property)
  • setter= method (set the selector used for setting the value of this property)


05-27 23:18