

我是反应的新手,并看着 Jest 作为潜在的单元测试解决方案.但是,我发现很难发现如何简单地在ReactComponent中声明渲染属性值.我不确定这是因为通常的做法是不渲染并查看实际值,还是我还没有找到一个好的示例.

I'm new to React and looking at Jest as a potential unit testing solution. However, I've found it surprisingly difficult to find out how to simply assert a rendered attribute value in a ReactComponent. I'm not sure if this is because the usual practice is to not render and see the actual value, or if I've just not found a good example yet.


So, here is what I'm working with:


var Label = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        if (this.props.targetName) {
            return (
                <label htmlFor="{this.props.targetName}">{this.props.content}</label>
        return (

module.exports = Label;


describe('Label sub component', function() {
    var Label = require('../../../views/label');
    it('has the correct target element name', function() {
        var labelDocument = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
                <Label targetName="foobar" content="Upload Files:"/>
        var label = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(labelDocument, 'label');
        expect(label.getDOMNode().getAttribute('for')).toEqual('foobar');  // actually returns {this.props.targetName}

因此,如您所见,我不确定这里的期望断言.我希望在正确的元素中呈现值foobar.然后,我可以确保props绑定正确. labelReactComponent,我看到许多可用的属性和方法.查看和测试将要呈现的实际值的最佳方法是什么?

So, as you can see, I'm not certain about the expect assertion here. I'd like to expect that the value foobar is rendered in the correct element. Then, I can make sure that the props binding is correct. label is a ReactComponent and I see many properties and methods available. What is the best way to see and test for the actual value that would be rendered?



The problem is that you have a syntax error. This line:

<label htmlFor="{this.props.targetName}">{this.props.content}</label>


<label htmlFor={this.props.targetName}>{this.props.content}</label>


Notice that there's no quotes around the attribute value.


Also note that your label variable is a React component instance, which has a props property that you can use instead of looking it up on the DOM node.


05-27 23:15