


OK so I have an xslt issue that I cannot seem to solve. This is my second attempt at asking the question please do not mark as duplicate.


My issue is that I would like to include some HTML after the fourth <p> tag in my document. The issue is that there can be <p> tags with the attribute class="exclude"

如果<p>标记具有该类,则我不想渲染该段落.同时,无论<p class="excludes"有多少

If the <p> tag has that class, I would like to not render that paragraph. At the same time, I would still like to render my included html after the 4th paragraph, regardless of the number of <p class="excludes" there are


:Here is the xsl I had previously. This would slot my included html into the 4th paragraph.

<xsl:template match="content/p[position() = 4]">
     content include<xsl:apply-templates /></p>


Here are some example inputs / outputs

首先是一个基本示例,其中没有<p class="excludes">我的输入是:

First is the base example where there are no <p class="excludes"> My input is:

include new HTML here


In that example, the html renders nicely after the 4th paragraph after passing through my xslt.

但是,我需要考虑<p class="exclude">

这是<p class="exclude" being used >

<p class="exclude"></p> (should not be rendering on page)
include new HTML here

请注意,在此示例中,包含的HTML出现在第5 *段之后,因为第一段不应在页面上呈现,但是同时我希望在第4个呈现段之后包含呈现的HTML.让我们再看一个更复杂的示例.

Notice that in this example, the included HTML is appearing after the 5th* paragraph because the first paragraph should not be rendering on the page, but at the same time I want the rendered HTML to be included after the 4th rendered paragraph. Lets look at one more example that is more complicated.

<p class="exclude"></p> (this should not be rendering on page)
<p class="exclude"></p> (this should not be rendering on page)
<p class="exclude"></p> ...
<p class="exclude"></p> ...
<p class="exclude"></p> ...
<p class="exclude"></p> ...
<p class="exclude"></p> ...
new HTML include here
<p class="exclude"></p>

现在,在我的最后一个示例中,您可以看到已添加多个<p class="excludes",是的,我仍然希望新的html内容在第4个呈现的段落之后呈现,或者在本示例中是在所有段落中的第11个总数.

Now, in my final example you can see that multiple <p class="excludes" have been added and yes i still want the new html content to render after the 4th rendered paragraph, or in this example the 11th total over all paragraph.

如果有人有任何xslt可以帮助我实现这一目标,那就太好了.请记住,我正在使用xslt 1.0预先感谢

If anyone has any xslt that could help me achieve this that would be great. Please keep in mind I am using xslt 1.0 Thanks in advance


这是另一个XSLT 1.0样式表选项.

Here's another XSLT 1.0 stylesheet option.


In this one I tried to take into account the "normal processing" of the p elements that was mentioned in the comments.


In the example, I'm adding a processing instruction just to show that a p was processed. This can be replaced or removed depending on what you're doing in your XSLT.


    <p class="exclude">delete1</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete2</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete3</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete4</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete5</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete6</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete7</p>
    <p class="exclude">delete8</p>

XSLT 1.0 (已通过Xalan和Saxon 6.5.5测试)

XSLT 1.0 (Tested with Xalan and Saxon 6.5.5)

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
    <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

    <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

    <!--Strip p if class attribute value is exclude.-->
    <xsl:template match="p[@class='exclude']"/>

    <!--Special handling of the 4th non-exclude p. Call the "normal" template to
        handle any other p processing and then output the additional HTML.-->
    <xsl:template match="p[not(@class='exclude')][count(preceding::p[not(@class='exclude')])+1=4]">
        <xsl:call-template name="normal"/>

    <!--This is the "normal" processing of "p". For the example, just adding a PI.-->
    <xsl:template match="p" name="normal">
            <xsl:processing-instruction name="processed">normally</xsl:processing-instruction>
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>



   <p><?processed normally?>keep1</p>
   <p><?processed normally?>keep2</p>
   <p><?processed normally?>keep3</p>
   <p><?processed normally?>keep4</p>
   <p><?processed normally?>keep5</p>


05-27 23:06