本文介绍了如何使 display:flex 容器与其包裹的内容水平展开?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当使用 css flexbox 时,三个主要浏览器在某些方面的表现似乎完全不同.


<div class="photo"></div><div class="photo"></div><div class="photo"></div><div class="photo"></div><div class="photo"></div><div class="photo"></div>

.容器 {显示:inline-flex;flex-flow : 列包装;对齐内容:弹性启动;高度:100%;}

在这个例子中,我需要一个容器,它本身包含几个 div 元素,这些元素设置为从上到下流动并在到达底部时包装.最终为我提供了照片列.


这是一个快速的 jsFiddle 演示.


  • IE 11 - 正确,容器水平拉伸以包裹每一列包裹元素
  • Firefox - 容器只包装第一列元素,其余元素溢出.
  • Chrome - 容器总是伸展以填充其父级的宽度,无论是什么.

在这种情况下,我想在其他两个浏览器中实现 IE11 的行为.因此,我的问题是,如何使 flexbox 容器水平扩展以匹配其 column wrap 内容.



这个问题似乎不能只用 CSS 解决,所以我给你推荐一个 JQuery 解决方案



$(document).ready(function() {$('.container').each(function(index){var lastChild = $(this).children().last();var newWidth = lastChild.position().left - $(this).position().left + lastChild.outerWidth(true);$(this).width(newWidth);})});



When using css flexbox the three main browsers appear to behave entirely differently in certain areas.

In this case I am trying to create a grid of images:

<div class="container">
     <div class="photo"></div>
     <div class="photo"></div>
     <div class="photo"></div>
     <div class="photo"></div>
     <div class="photo"></div>
     <div class="photo"></div>

.container {
    flex-flow : column wrap;
    align-content : flex-start;
    height : 100%;

In this example I need a container, itself containing several div elements set up to flow from top to bottom and wrapping when they reach the bottom. Ultimately providing me with columns of photos.

However I need the container to expand horizontally to accommodate the wrapped elements:

Here is a quick jsFiddle to demonstrate.

The behaviour is as follows:

  • IE 11 - Correct, the container stretches horizontally to wrap each column of wrapped elements
  • Firefox - The container only wraps the first column of elements, with the rest overflow out.
  • Chrome - The container always stretches to fill the width of its parent, whatever that may be.

In this instance I would like to achieve the behaviour of IE11 in the other two browsers. Therefore my question is, how can I make a flexbox container expand horizontally to match its column wrap contents.

Thanks in advance.


It seems this issue cannot be solved only with CSS, so I propose you a JQuery solution

container width = position of the last child - position of the container + width of the last child (including margin)

Code :

$(document).ready(function() {
 $('.container').each(function( index ) {
     var lastChild = $(this).children().last();
     var newWidth = lastChild.position().left - $(this).position().left + lastChild.outerWidth(true);

Demo :


这篇关于如何使 display:flex 容器与其包裹的内容水平展开?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 22:46