


when declaring a methods with "IllegalAccessException" eclipse forces me todeclare the method as throwing an exception

public void a()  throws IllegalAccessException {
 if(x == 1){
   throw new IllegalAccessException("TEST);


and in method b that uses "IllegalStateException" i dont need to declare the method as throw an exception

public void b()  {
 if(x == 1){
   throw new IllegalStateException("TEST);

thous exception之间有什么不同


what is the different between thous exception
that one forces me tho declare the method that throw an exceptionand the other is not



因为 IllegalAccessException 不是 RuntimeException (即是检查异常)和 IllegalStateException RuntimeException (即未经检查的异常)。

Because IllegalAccessException is not RuntimeException (i.e. is checked exception) and IllegalStateException is a RuntimeException (i.e. is unchecked exception).


Read this for more information: difference between java.lang.RuntimeException and java.lang.Exception


And this explanation on Oracle (duh!) site: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/catchOrDeclare.html

第二种异常是错误。这些是应用程序外部的特殊情况,应用程序通常无法预测或恢复。例如,假设应用程序成功打开文件以进行输入,但由于硬件或系统故障而无法读取文件。不成功的读取将抛出java.io.IOError。应用程序可能会选择捕获此异常,以便通知用户该问题 - 但它也可能有助于程序打印堆栈跟踪并退出。

The second kind of exception is the error. These are exceptional conditions that are external to the application, and that the application usually cannot anticipate or recover from. For example, suppose that an application successfully opens a file for input, but is unable to read the file because of a hardware or system malfunction. The unsuccessful read will throw java.io.IOError. An application might choose to catch this exception, in order to notify the user of the problem — but it also might make sense for the program to print a stack trace and exit.

错误不受Catch或Specify Requirement 的约束。错误是由Error及其子类指示的异常。

Errors are not subject to the Catch or Specify Requirement. Errors are those exceptions indicated by Error and its subclasses.


The third kind of exception is the runtime exception. These are exceptional conditions that are internal to the application, and that the application usually cannot anticipate or recover from. These usually indicate programming bugs, such as logic errors or improper use of an API. For example, consider the application described previously that passes a file name to the constructor for FileReader. If a logic error causes a null to be passed to the constructor, the constructor will throw NullPointerException. The application can catch this exception, but it probably makes more sense to eliminate the bug that caused the exception to occur.


Runtime exceptions are not subject to the Catch or Specify Requirement. Runtime exceptions are those indicated by RuntimeException and its subclasses.


05-27 22:30