本文介绍了在CMake项目中使用GCOV/LCOV的C ++的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在一个C ++项目中,其结构类似于以下内容:

I'm working in a C++ Project with a structure similiar to the following:

---  /src
--- /test



I do need to control the coverage of my tests and for this purpose I use GCOV and LCOV in this way:

  1. 在所有CMakeLists.txt中启用覆盖标志,以生成.gcno文件.

  1. Enable coverage flags in all CMakeLists.txt to let the generation of .gcno files.

SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -O0 -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-g -O0 -Wall -W -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")

  • 运行测试,生成相应的.gcda文件.


    At this point, files gcno and gcda are located in the same directory as the corresponding .o file. I cannot move these files, because if I do it the report coverage generation doesn’t work.


    From the directory in which files .gcno and .gcda are located I do the following:

    lcov –c –d . –o name.info

  • 使用以下方法生成HTML报告:

  • Generate the HTML report by using:

    genhtml  name.info.

  • 编译项目时,由于以下事实,我复制了.gcno文件,因为在编译测试时,它们需要重新编译其依赖项(comms,utils等),因为我不会为这些依赖项生成库.我认为如果不使用库,就无法避免这种情况.

    When I compile my project, I have duplicated .gcno files due to the fact that when tests are compiled they need to recompile their dependencies (comms, utils, …) because I don't generate libraries for theses dependencies. I think there is no way to avoid that if I don't use libraries.


    However when I try to generate the index.html (coverage report) for the global project, it doesn't work.

    我使用一个Shell脚本创建一个与我的项目相同的文件夹结构,并将每个.gcno.gcda复制到相应的目录中.而且我执行了lcovgenhtml命令,尽管index.html 不包括所有项目内容.

    I use a Shell script that creates the same folder structure of my project and copy each .gcno and .gcda to the corresponding directory. And I execute the commands lcov and genhtml, nevertheless the index.html does not include all project coverage.




    try to put --ignore-errors with genhtml command like that :

    genhtml -o out name.info --ignore-errors source

    这篇关于在CMake项目中使用GCOV/LCOV的C ++的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    05-27 22:10