


Why it is not allowed to define such a static member:

private static final <T extends Object> Map<Class<T>, BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>> SPECIFIC_HANDLERS = new HashMap<>();


Instead it's only allowed to use it unspecified:

private static final Map<Class<?>, BiFunction<?, ?, Boolean>> SPECIFIC_HANDLERS = new HashMap<>();


Is there a workaround so that I can define that both parameters to the BiFunction MUST be of the same type and that the key of the Map MUST be the class type of these parameters?


我想要通用equals助手的array equals方法的映射.通用帮助器正式接收两个对象.如果它们是数组,则必须将其传递给重载的Arrays.equals()方法之一.我想要查找正确的方法(示例1):

I want a map for the array equals method for a generic equals helper. The generic helper receives formally two Objects. If they are arrays I have to pass it to one of the overloaded Arrays.equals() method. I wandted to have a lookup for the correct method (Example 1):

private static final Map<Class<?>, BiFunction<?, ?, Boolean>> ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER = new HashMap<>();

    ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.put( Object[].class,  (l, r) -> Arrays.equals( (Object[])  l, (Object[])  r ));
    ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.put( boolean[].class, (l, r) -> Arrays.equals( (boolean[]) l, (boolean[]) r ));


boolean equal = ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.get( anObj1.getClass()).apply(anObj1, anObj2);


The construct (according to Mena) does not even compile:

private static <T extends Object> Map<Class<T>, BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>> getSpecificHandlers()
    Map<Class<T>, BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>> result = new HashMap<>();
    result.put( Object[].class,  (l, r) -> Arrays.equals( (Object[])  l, (Object[])  r ));
    result.put( boolean[].class, (l, r) -> Arrays.equals( (boolean[]) l, (boolean[]) r ));
    return result;


And if I populate the generated map outside the method:

 @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static final Map<Class<?>, BiFunction<?, ?, Boolean>> ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER = (Map) getSpecificHandlers();

    ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.put( Object[].class,  (l, r) -> Arrays.equals( (Object[])  l, (Object[])  r ));


then the whole type safety has gone because I have to do a (unchecked) typecast when assigning it to the final static member.


My Example 1 above works, but I have to cast the received lambda when using it :

private static <T extends Object> boolean equalsArray( T anArray, T anOtherArray) {
    Object o = ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.get( anArray.getClass());
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked")
    BiFunction<T, T, Boolean> func = (BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>) o;

    Boolean result = func.apply( anArray, anOtherArray);
    return result;



I have a solution, it's a bit ugly, but works as requested.


First thing, note that Map.get() method takes raw Object type as argument, thus it is not possible for compiler to guess return type of this method based on the argument type. Instead of that return type comes from declaration of the field itself, and as it's declared using fixed type parameter (in your case it should be Object) - you get fixed return type for any invocation of .get(). Actually, same thing applies not only for get() method but for all you expect to act as type-parameterized methods.


Secondly, desired structure should add some restrictions on key and value pairs (you want value type to depend on the key type). This is usually done via type parameters. It doesn't work for field declaration but does work for type or method declaration.


So, with those two premnises, I end with the solution: introduce type that extends Map with additional type correlation and with additional generic get() method (you may add more generic methods, of course).

public static class HandlerMap<T> extends HashMap<Class<? extends T>, BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>> {
    <U extends T> BiFunction<U, U, Boolean> getStrict(Class<? extends U> key) {
        return (BiFunction<U, U, Boolean>) get(key);

private static HandlerMap<Object> ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER = new HandlerMap<>();

static {
    ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.put(Object[].class, (l, r) -> Arrays.equals((Object[]) l, (Object[]) r));
    ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.put(boolean[].class, (l, r) -> Arrays.equals((boolean[]) l, (boolean[]) r));

    //WARNING - type safety breaks here
    ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.put(int[].class, (l, r) -> Arrays.equals((boolean[]) l, (boolean[]) r));

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    BiFunction<int[], int[], Boolean> biFunction = ARRAY_EQUALS_HANDLER.getStrict(int[].class);


I used HashMap as superclass directly for shorter code. Note that getStrict() method is marked as unsafe (obviously, it is). And note also missing type coersion on put().

我现在认为,所有的丑陋源于您实际上不想要Map而是某种不同的东西.是的,有一个通用概念-具有键值对的结构,但是类型强制应该以另一种方式起作用. Map用于将键限制为某种类型,将值限制为另一种特定类型,但是您不需要它.您需要的是更强大的功能-不仅分别对键和值进行类型强制转换,而且还对键类型和值类型进行绑定.

I think now, that all that ugliness comes from that you actually want not Map, but something different. Yes, there is a common concept - structure with key-value pairs, but type coersion should work another way. Map used to restrict keys to certain type and values to another certain type, but you don't need it. What you need is something stronger - not only type coersion for keys and values separately, but also binding between key type and value type.


05-27 21:31