


I created a enum with one private member variable.When i try to access the member variable the compiles states 'Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field memberVariable'.


If the variable is not private (e.g. protected or package protected) it compiles fine. I don't understand what the scope of the variable has to do with the type (static, non static) of the implemented abstract function.


public enum EnumWithAbstractMethodAndMembers {
    TheOneAndOnly(1) {
        public int addValue(final int value) {
            return memberVariable + value;

    private final int memberVariable;

    private EnumWithAbstractMethodAndMembers(final int memberVariable) {
        this.memberVariable = memberVariable;

    abstract int addValue(int value);




问题是当您提供枚举值代码时,您正在创建枚举的匿名子类。 (其类为 EnumWithAbstractMethodAndMembers $ 1 )子类无法访问其超类的私有成员,但是嵌套类可以通过生成的访问器方法访问。您应该能够访问私有字段,并且它给您的错误消息似乎具有误导性。

The problem is that when you give an enum value code, you are creating an anonymous sub class of the enum. (Its class will be EnumWithAbstractMethodAndMembers$1) A sub-class cannot access the private members of its super-class, however nested classes can via generated accessor method. You should be able to access the private field, and the error message it gives you appears to be mis-leading.


BTW You can use this, but you shouldn't need to IMHO.

    public int addValue(final int value) {
        return super.memberVariable + value;


Here is a shorter example I will log as a bug in the error message as it doesn't lead to a solution to the problem.

public enum MyEnum {
    One {
        public int getMemberVariableFailes() {
            // error: non-static variable memberVariable cannot be referenced from a static context
            return memberVariable;

        public int getMemberVariable2OK() {
            return memberVariable2;

        public int getMemberVariableOK() {
            return super.memberVariable;

    private final int memberVariable = 1;
    final int memberVariable2 = 1;

根据汤姆·霍金(Tom Hawkin)的反馈,此示例将获得相同的错误消息。

Based on Tom Hawkin's feedback, this example gets the same error message.

public class MyNotEnum {
    // this is the static context in which the anonymous is created
    public static final MyNotEnum One = new MyNotEnum() {
        public int getMemberVariableFailes() {
            // error: non-static variable memberVariable cannot be referenced from a static context
            return memberVariable;

        public int getMemberVariableOK() {
            return super.memberVariable;
    private final int memberVariable = 1;


public class MyNotEnum {
    public class NestedNotEnum extends MyNotEnum {
        public int getMemberVariableFailes() {
            // compiles just fine.
            return memberVariable;

        public int getMemberVariableOK() {
            return super.memberVariable;
    private final int memberVariable = 1;


05-27 21:25