本文介绍了C ++非静态成员函数开销的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I would like to know that, if we have the following class:

class MyClass
  type nonstatic_func1(...);
  type nonstatic_func2(...);
  type nonstatic_func10(...);
  type var1;
  type var2;
  type var10;

MyClass 的每个实例都有自己的一组十个函数(即对于每个实例,将创建十个函数中的每一个的版本)?例如,在类定义中有20个函数会影响性能,而不是具有2个函数(非静态),特别是关于实例化,但是在使用这些实例时有多少?变量的数量会对性能产生多大的影响? (见下一段,向量部分)

Will each instance of MyClass have its own set of ten functions (i.e. for each instance, will a "version" of each of the ten functions be created)? How much will having, say, 20 functions in a class definition impact performance, as opposed to having, say, 2 functions (non-static), especially regarding instantiation, but also in working with these instances? How much will the amount of variables affect the performance? (see the next paragraph, the vector part)

我问的原因是我正在写一个程序是实例化一个类的很多实例(为了说明,我有一个很大的向量,例如 vector< MyClass> vec ),比我预想的。

The reason I am asking is I am writing a program that is instantiating a lot of instances of a class (to illustrate, I have quite a large vector, i.e. vector<MyClass> vec, for example), and the program is running slower than I anticipated.


In a nutshell, I'd like to know how much overhead there is in instantiating, and working with, an instance of a class that has a lot of non-static functions/variables.



One of the things I do with my large vector of class instances is sorting...this is the main thing I suspect is draining performance, since there's a lot of moving (and copying, explicitly and implicitly) elements (instances) around and between vectors. Obviously if the chunk of data that has to be moved and copied so much is quite large, it could drain performance.



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The major impact of having a lot of member variable is that each instance occupies a lot of memory space. The consequence of being big in size is it would spend a lot of time when it is copied. A less obvious time overhead would be in CPU caching.


But these overhead may not be the causes of your problem.


Don't suspect. Measure. To track down where the performance goes, find out where the bottleneck is.

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05-27 21:15