

我知道他们根据以下内容更改了 api:https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/foursquare-api/sQMuHlv9wiU

I've got that they changed their api according to this: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/foursquare-api/sQMuHlv9wiU


But it sais I should be able to get people near-by if I'm checked-in to the specific place. However it gives me back the same response before check-in and after check-in ...


其他几个开发人员遇到了这个问题,在很多情况下,问题似乎是 lat/lng 没有被传递到签入/添加请求(ll"参数).除非您被认为离场地很近,否则您不会被包括在 hereNow 中.

A couple other devs have run into this issue, and in many cases, it looks like the issue is that lat/lng isn't being passed into the checkins/add request (the "ll" param). You're not included in hereNow unless you're deemed to be plausibly close to the venue.


You should be able to get other people checked into the venue after having checked in, but remember, there might not always be other people checked in.

一般来说,对于您登记入住的场所,您应该看到 hereNow 块中列出的人数与计数"字段显示的人数大致相同.但是,人们可以选择不显示在 hereNow,因此您偶尔会看到比计数字段显示的人数少.

In general, for the venue you've checked in at, you should see roughly the same number of people listed in the hereNow block as the "count" field shows. However, people can opt out of showing up in hereNow, so you will still occasionally see fewer people than the count field shows.

请记住,只有 (a) 距离您登记入住不到 3 小时并且 (b) 您没有在其他任何地方登记过,您才会被视为登记"到某个场所.

Remember that you're only considered "checked in" to a venue if (a) it's been less than 3 hours since you checked in and (b) you haven't checked in anywhere else.

如果您仍然遇到问题,请通过电子邮件将 api (at)foursquare.com 发送到 hereNow 在办理登机手续前向 hereNow 提出的具体请求、您提出的办理登机手续的请求,以及您在办理登机手续后提出的向 hereNow 提出的请求,我们可以帮助您调试.

If you're still having problems, email api (at) foursquare.com with the specific request to hereNow made before checking in, the request you made to check in, followed by the request to hereNow you made after checking in, and we can help you debug.


05-27 20:28