


open System
let f = Action(fun () -> Unchecked.defaultof<_>)


let f = System.Action(fun () -> Unchecked.defaultof<_>)



I know I can fix it by adding a type parameter placeholder (System.Action<_>(...)), but any idea why they behave differently?


Found this in the spec, section 14.1.9:

  • 将类型添加到 TypeNames 表中.如果该类型具有CLI拼写的通用名称,例如List'1,则在ListList'1下都将添加一个条目.
  • Add the type to the TypeNames table. If the type has a CLI-mangled generic name such as List'1 then an entry is added under both List and List'1.


Is this behavior replicated for fully-qualified types (with omitted type parameters)? It doesn't appear so.


我同意@James的说法,这与Connect上提交的错误有关,但我认为情况稍有不同.无论如何,我认为这不是预期的行为.您能否将其报告给 microsoft com 上的 fsbugs ?

I agree with @James that this is related to the bug submitted on Connect, but I think it is a slightly different case. Anyway, I think this is not the intended behaviour. Could you report it to fsbugs at microsoft dot com?


Anyway - I did some debugging and here is what I found so far:

似乎编译器使用不同的代码路径来解析名称Action和名称System.Action.当解析另一个时,它会在所有加载的模块(即程序集)中搜索名为System.Action的类型(请参见 nameres.fs文件(开源版本).

It seems that the compiler uses different code paths to resolve the name Action and the name System.Action. When resolving the other, it searches all loaded modules (i.e. assemblies) for a type named System.Action (see ResolveLongIndentAsModuleOrNamespaceThen function in the nameres.fs file of the open-source release).


This finds the two definitions of Action (one in mscorlib and another in System.Core). I think the issue comes from the fact that the name resolution simply iterates over the results - it finds the first one (from System.Core), which doesn't have a usable overload (because it ranges from Action<_,_,_,_,_> to a version with about 15 type parameters). After finding this type, it reports an error without even looking whether there is another type (in another assembly) that could be used.


If you don't reference system assemblies, then the F# compiler resolves the overload just fine. Running the compiler without parameters references the default assembly set, so this doesn't work:

fsc test.fs


but if I add the --noframework flag, then it compiles without issues:

fsc --noframework test.fs


05-27 19:51