

我(模糊地)知道,如果使用,则不会实例化模板。例如,以下代码将编译良好,即使 T :: type T = int

I (vaguely) know that a template is not instantiated if it is not used. For example, the following code will compile fine even though T::type doesn't make sense when T = int.

template<typename T>
struct A
    void f() { using type = typename T::type; }

A<int> a; //ok

它编译,因为 f()不是 ,因此不会实例化—因此 T :: type 的有效性保持未选中状态。如果其他成员函数 g()调用 f()

It compiles because f() is not used, so it is not instantiated — thus the validity ofT::type remains unchecked. It doesn't matter if some other member function g() calls f().

template<typename T>
struct A
    void f() { using type = typename T::type; }

    void g() { f(); } //Is f() still unused?

A<int> a; //ok


This also compile fines. But here I realize the vagueness in my understanding of the definition of "use". I ask:

  • f()怎么样?

我可以清楚地看到它在 g()中使用。但是我认为由于 g()不使用, f()视图。这似乎够合理了。

I can clearly see it being used inside g(). But then I thought since g() is not used, f() is not used either, from instantiation point of view. That seems reasonable enough. so far.

但是如果我把 virtual 关键字添加到 g c $ c>,它不编译:

However if I add virtual keyword to g(), it doesn't compile:

template<typename T>
struct A
    void f() { using type = typename T::type; }

    virtual void g() { f(); } //Now f() is used? How exactly?

A<int> a; //error

结果是,因为现在它尝试实例化 f()。我不明白这个行为。

It results in compilation error because now it attempts to instantiate f(). I don't understand this behavior.

有人可以解释一下吗?特别是 virtual 关键字对类模板成员使用的定义的影响。

Could anybody explain this? Especially the impact of virtual keyword on the definition of "use" of member of class template.


快速浏览一下3.2 [basic.def.odr],得到:

A quick look at 3.2 [basic.def.odr] yields:

我也在14.7.1 [temp.inst]

And I also found at 14.7.1 [temp.inst]:

所以...我会说一个 virtual 方法很可能会被实例化。

So... I would say it is likely that a virtual method will always be instantiated.

在实用术语中,我期望编译器在实例化类时实例化模板类的虚拟表;并因此立即实例化该类的所有 virtual 成员函数(因此它可以引用来自虚拟表的那些)。

In pragmatic terms, I would expect a compiler to instantiate the virtual table of a template class when it instantiates the class; and thus immediately instantiate all virtual member functions of this class (so it can references those from the virtual table).


05-27 19:28