

从 SO回答 有关堆和栈,它提出了我一个问题:为什么它重要的是要知道的变量分配

From an about Heap and Stack, it raised me a question: Why it is important to know where the variables are allocated?


At another answer someone pointed that the stack is faster. Is this the only implication? Could someone give a code example where a simple allocation location change could solve a problem (eg. performance)?




So long as you know what the semantics are, the only consequences of stack vs heap are in terms of making sure you don't overflow the stack, and being aware that there's a cost associated with garbage collecting the heap.


For instance, the JIT could notice that a newly created object was never used outside the current method (the reference could never escape elsewhere) and allocate it on the stack. It doesn't do that at the moment, but it would be a legal thing to do.

同样,C#编译器的可以的决定分配在堆上所有局部变量 - 将通过该执行堆栈将只包含一个参考MyMethodLocalVariables的一个实例和所有变量访问。 (事实上​​,代表们或迭代块捕获的变量已经有这样的行为。)

Likewise the C# compiler could decide to allocate all local variables on the heap - the stack would just contain a reference to an instance of MyMethodLocalVariables and all variable access would be implemented via that. (In fact, variables captured by delegates or iterator blocks already have this sort of behaviour.)

您的问题上来,而埃里克利珀正在审查中的深度C# - 我有一个部分解释什么飞到哪里,在C#1,他估摸了的。

Your question came up while Eric Lippert was reviewing C# in Depth - I have a section explaining what goes where in C# 1, and he reckoned that developers shouldn't care.


05-27 19:26