


The following Java code does not compile.

int a = 0;

if(a == 1) {
    int b = 0;

if(a == 1) {
    b = 1;

为什么?没有代码路径导致程序将1分配给 b 而不首先声明它。

Why? There can be no code path leading to the program assigning 1 to b without declaring it first.

它发生在我, b 的变量范围可能仅限于第一个 if 语句,但后来我不明白为什么。如果我真的不想不必要地声明 b ,以提高性能怎么办?我不喜欢在声明后让变量保持未使用状态。

It occurred to me that b's variable scope might be limited to the first if statement, but then I wouldn't understand why. What if I really don't want to declare b needlessly, in order to improve performance? I don't like having variables left unused after declaration.


(You may want to argue than I could simply declare b in the second if statement, in that case, just imagine that it could be in a loop somewhere else.)



You are right, but the compiler doesn't know that. The compiler does not execute the code. The compiler only translates to bytecode without evaluating expressions.


05-27 18:58