


In R 3.0.2 the missing() function can tell us whether or not a formal parameter is missing.


How can one avoid hardcoding the variable name passed into missing? e.g. in

demoargs <- function(a=3, b=2, d) {
    f <- formals(demoargs)  # Capture formal arguments
    formalNames <- names(f) # get variable names: a, b, d


I would like to be able to check for missing formals without doing this in a hardcoded manner, e.g.:

missing(formalNames[1])  # returns invalid use of missing!


as opposed to missing(d) for the purpose of iterating over a large number of optional arguments that are handled in a limited number of manners. I had hoped that get or as.name my put me on the right track but this does not seem to be the case.


Alternatively, I suspect that I could do this with the vararg arguments (...), but it would be nice for the caller to be able to inspect the acceptable optional arguments by examining the function declaration.



您可能第一次尝试类似缺失(as.name(formalNames [1]))缺失(formalNames [1]),发现他们不工作。

You probably first tried something like missing(as.name(formalNames[1])) or missing(formalNames[1]) and found that they do not work.

他们不这样做的原因是,失踪()是那些奇怪的功能之一 - 库()调试()一对夫妇他人 - 这将接受作为参数或者名称或名称的字符重新presentation。这就是好在这个意义上,缺失(一)缺失(A)都将检查是否函数调用包含一个提供的参数 A ;当你做的不是很好缺失(formalNames [1])并熄灭查找名称为一个不存在的参数 formalNames [1]

The reason they don't is that missing() is one of those odd functions -- library() and debug() are a couple of others -- that will accept as an argument either a name or a character representation of a name. That's 'nice' in the sense that missing(a) and missing("a") will both check whether the function call included a supplied argument a; it's not so nice when you do missing(formalNames[1]) and it goes off to look for a non-existent argument named formalNames[1].

该解决方案是使用 do.call(),其中评估其第二个参数的的元素将它们传递给定功能在它的第一个参数。这里是你可以做什么:

The solution is to use do.call(), which evaluates the elements of its second argument before passing them on to the function given in its first argument. Here's what you might do:

demoargs <- function(a=3, b=2, d) {
    formalNames <- names(formals()) # get variable names: a, b, d
    do.call(missing, list(formalNames[1]))

## Try it out
# [1] FALSE
# [1] TRUE


05-27 18:48