

我知道在C函数中声明一个静态变量意味着该变量在函数调用之间保留其状态.在线程上下文中,这会导致变量在多个线程上保持其状态,还是在每个线程之间具有单独的状态 ?

I know that declaring a static variable within a function in C means that this variable retains its state between function invocations. In the context of threads, will this result in the variable retaining its state over multiple threads, or having a separate state between each thread?


Here is a past paper exam question I am struggling to answer:

static int i = 0;
return i++;

说明在多个线程调用get_uid()的环境中,get_uid()可能以何种方式无法正常工作.用一个 具体的示例场景,请详细说明为什么以及如何这样做 可能会发生错误的行为.

Explain in what way get_uid() might work incorrectly in an environment where it is being called by multiple threads. Using a specific example scenario, give specific detail on why and how such incorrect behaviour might occur.


At the moment I am assuming that each thread has a separate state for the variable, but I am not sure if that is correct or if the answer is more to do with the lack of mutual exclusion. If that is the case then how could semaphores be implemented in this example?



Your assumption (threads have their own copy) is not correct. The main problem with code is when multiple threads call that function get_uid(), there's a possible race condition as to which threads increments i and gets the ID which may not be unique.


05-27 18:31