我正在尝试使用set tag在Struts2中创建动态变量
I'm trying to create a dynamic variable in Struts2 using set tag
<s:set var="myNum" value="numConst" />
<s:set var="number" value="%{getText('@xxx.CommonConstant@'+#myNum)}" />
将返回检索到的动态值来自数据库。例如,如果值为NINE,则数字应为 @ xxx.CommonConstant @ NINE
will return a dynamic value that retrieved from database. For example, if the value is NINE then number should be @xxx.CommonConstant@NINE
我已设置我的java类中的值,以便 @ xxx.CommonConstant @ NINE
将返回 9
I have set the value in my java class so that @xxx.CommonConstant@NINE
will return 9
So far, the value can be displayed with no problem in text tag if I use
<s:text name="%{getText(#number)}" />
它将返回 9
It will return 9
but it displayed incorrectly when I tried using property tag
<s:property value="%{getText(#number)}" />
<s:property value="%{#number}" />
<s:property value="#number" />
<s:property value="%{getText('%{getText(#number)}')}" />
以上所有示例都将为我提供 @xxx的值。 CommonConstant @ NINE
Which all of the above examples will give me the value as @xxx.CommonConstant@NINE
. The reason I try to get the value from property tag is because I want to copy the correct way on how to display the value so I can use them in if tag like below examples:
<s:if test="#number == 9">
do something
<s:if test="%{getText(#number)} == 9">
do something
package xxx;
public abstract class CommonConstant {
public static final int NINE = 9;
public static final int NINEONE = 91;
public static final double ADMIN_PGM = 1.4;
// ... omitted ...
Can anybody help me?
这似乎是一种解决方法,但你可以使用 attr
It seems like a workaround but you can use attr
to evaluate string.
<s:set var="myNum" value="numConst" />
<s:set var="number" value="'@xxx.CommonConstant@'+#myNum" />
<s:property value="#attr[#number]"/>
<s:if test="#attr[#number] == 9">
do something
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