

C ++标准禁止对部分专业化的朋友声明. (§14.5.3/8):

The C++ standard prohibits friend declarations of partial specializations. (§14.5.3/8):

template<class T> class A { };
class X {
    template <class T> friend class A<T*>;   //error

其他问题,例如这一个,已收到援引此禁令的答案,但我想知道基本原理.我没有看到它,也无法在我最喜欢的搜索引擎中找到它.一世可以发现它可以追溯到C ++ 98标准,所以大概基本原理是非常基本和明确的.有人可以向我解释吗?

Other questions, e.g. this one,have received answers that invoke this prohibition, but I would like to know therationale. I don't see it and can't find it with my favourite search engine. Ican find however that it goes right back to the C++98 standard, so presumablythe rationale is quite basic and clear. Can someone explain it to me?



I don't have a reference but I suspect that this is because it would result in the partial specialization being declared in the scope of the friend-declaring class rather than the scope of the template in question, and rather than creating a bunch of rules to force the friend declaration to result in the specialization being in the correct scope, they simply prohibit it.


05-27 18:23