


In the documentation of Ember.StateManager it's said that : "Inside of an action method the given state should delegate goToState calls on its StateManager". Does it mean that if I send an action message, I necessarily need to transit to another state. Is it possible to stay in the same state but doing some task by sending an action ? For example, I'm in a state "loading" and I run two actions "preprocess" and "display".



When dealing with statecharts in general, you can do whatever you want. It's not mandatory to switch states in an event handler. A common case would be an event handler that shows a cancel/save dialog. You can easily put the dialog on the page in the event handler, and proceed accordingly depending on which button is pressed.


A separate question is should every event handler basically just go to another state. In the above scenario, you can certainly go to a "confirm" state, the state-enter method will show the dialog, and there would be two handlers, one for each button. Those handler would in turn go to other states.


Both design choices I think are equally valid, at least in that scenario. If you choose to implement a separate state for every action, you will end up with a lot of small but concise states. If you choose to do stuff in the event handlers themselves, your states will be bigger, but there will be less of them.


One thing I will say is if an event handler is getting complicated, you are probably better of with a new state. Also, be consistent.


For you specific scenario, if I'm reading it right, you want to load data and then change the display to show the data, based on an event. In this case, I would use new states.


So you press a button that starts the process

  • 在事件处理程序中,进入某种"MyDataSection"状态
  • 初始子状态为"loadData"
  • 输入"loadData"的状态方法开始加载过程
  • "loadData"中的事件处理程序"dataLoaded",用于在数据加载时进行处理;这意味着您需要在数据加载时触发一个事件
  • "dataLoaded"事件进入显示"状态
  • 显示状态显示视图(或删除活动指示器等)并处理来自显示的任何事件.


What's good here is that if you have multiple ways to get to this section of the app, all actions that lead to this section only need to go to this state, and everything will always happen the same. Also note that since the view event handlers are on the show state, if the user hits a button while the data is loading, nothing will happen.


05-27 17:54