本文介绍了什么是C ++中的前向声明?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;


#include <iostream>

int add(int x, int y); // forward declaration using function prototype

int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout << "The sum of 3 and 4 is " << add(3, 4) << endl;
    return 0;

您能解释一下吗 转发声明还可以吗?如果在 main()函数中使用它,会出现什么问题?

Can you explain "forward declaration" further? What is the problem if we use it in the main() function?


为什么在C ++中需要向前声明

编译器希望确保您没有拼写错误或传递错误的数字该函数的参数。因此,它坚持认为,在使用 add(或任何其他类型,类或函数)之前,首先要看到一个声明。

The compiler wants to ensure you haven't made spelling mistakes or passed the wrong number of arguments to the function. So, it insists that it first sees a declaration of 'add' (or any other types, classes or functions) before it is used.

这实际上只是允许编译器以便更好地验证代码,并允许它整理松散的末端,以便生成美观的目标文件。如果您不必转发声明的内容,则编译器将生成一个目标文件,该文件必须包含有关添加功能可能是什么的所有可能猜测的信息。链接器必须包含非常聪明的逻辑,以尝试计算出您实际要调用的添加,当添加功能可能存在于不同的目标文件中时,链接器将与使用添加来生成的链接在一起dll或exe。链接器可能添加了错误的地址。假设您想使用int add(int a,float b),但偶然忘记了编写它,但是链接器发现一个已经存在的int add(int a,int b)并认为这是正确的方法,而是使用了它。您的代码可以编译,但不会达到您的期望。

This really just allows the compiler to do a better job of validating the code, and allows it to tidy up loose ends so it can produce a neat looking object file. If you didn't have to forward declare things, the compiler would produce an object file that would have to contain information about all the possible guesses as to what the function 'add' might be. And the linker would have to contain very clever logic to try and work out which 'add' you actually intended to call, when the 'add' function may live in a different object file the linker is joining with the one that uses add to produce a dll or exe. It's possible that the linker may get the wrong add. Say you wanted to use int add(int a, float b), but accidentally forgot to write it, but the linker found an already existing int add(int a, int b) and thought that was the right one and used that instead. Your code would compile, but wouldn't be doing what you expected.


So, just to keep things explicit and avoid the guessing etc, the compiler insists you declare everything before it is used.



As an aside, it's important to know the difference between a declaration and a definition. A declaration just gives enough code to show what something looks like, so for a function, this is the return type, calling convention, method name, arguments and their types. But the code for the method isn't required. For a definition, you need the declaration and then also the code for the function too.



You can get the declaration of a function into your current .cpp or .h file by #includ'ing the header that already contains a declaration of the function. However, this can slow down your compile, especially if you #include a header into a .h instead of .cpp of your program, as everything that #includes the .h you're writing would end up #include'ing all the headers you wrote #includes for too. Suddenly, the compiler has #included pages and pages of code that it needs to compile even when you only wanted to use one or two functions. To avoid this, you can use a forward-declaration and just type the declaration of the function yourself at the top of the file. If you're only using a few functions, this can really make your compiles quicker compared to always #including the header. For really large projects, the difference could be an hour or more of compile time bought down to a few minutes.



Additionally, forward-declarations can help you break cycles. This is where two functions both try to use each other. When this happens (and it is a perfectly valid thing to do), you may #include one header file, but that header file tries to #include the header file you're currently writing.... which then #includes the other header, which #includes the one you're writing. You're stuck in a chicken and egg situation with each header file trying to re #include the other. To solve this, you can forward-declare the parts you need in one of the files and leave the #include out of that file.



#include "Wheel.h"  // Include Wheel's definition so it can be used in Car.
#include <vector>

class Car
    std::vector<Wheel> wheels;


Hmm ...这里需要Car的声明,因为Wheel有一个指向Car的指针,但是这里不能包含Car.h,因为这会导致编译器错误。如果包含Car.h,则将尝试包含Wheel.h,其中将包含Car.h,其中将包含Wheel.h,并且此操作将永远持续下去,因此编译器将引发错误。解决方案是改为转发声明Car:

Hmm... the declaration of Car is required here as Wheel has a pointer to a Car, but Car.h can't be included here as it would result in a compiler error. If Car.h was included, that would then try to include Wheel.h which would include Car.h which would include Wheel.h and this would go on forever, so instead the compiler raises an error. The solution is to forward declare Car instead:

class Car;     // forward declaration

class Wheel
    Car* car;

如果类Wheel具有需要调用car方法的方法,则可以在Wheel中定义这些方法。 cpp和Wheel.cpp现在可以包含Car.h而不会引起循环。

If class Wheel had methods which need to call methods of car, those methods could be defined in Wheel.cpp and Wheel.cpp is now able to include Car.h without causing a cycle.

这篇关于什么是C ++中的前向声明?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 17:49