


What do the terms functional, declarative, and imperative programming mean?



At the time of writing this, the top voted answers on this page are imprecise and muddled on the declarative vs. imperative definition, including the answer that quotes Wikipedia. Some answers are conflating the terms in different ways.


Refer also to my explanation of why spreadsheet programming is declarative, regardless that the formulas mutate the cells.


Also, several answers claim that functional programming must be a subset of declarative. On that point it depends if we differentiate "function" from "procedure". Lets handle imperative vs. declarative first.


Definition of declarative expression

只有 only 属性可以将声明式表达式与命令式表达式区分开,这是其子表达式的参照透明(RT) .所有其他属性要么在两种类型的表达式之间共享,要么从RT派生.

The only attribute that can possibly differentiate a declarative expression from an imperative expression is the referential transparency (RT) of its sub-expressions. All other attributes are either shared between both types of expressions, or derived from the RT.


A 100% declarative language (i.e. one in which every possible expression is RT) does not (among other RT requirements) allow the mutation of stored values, e.g. HTML and most of Haskell.


Definition of RT expression

RT通常被称为无副作用".术语效果没有确切的定义,因此有些人不同意无副作用"与RT相同. RT具有精确的定义.

RT is often referred to as having "no side-effects". The term effects does not have a precise definition, so some people don't agree that "no side-effects" is the same as RT. RT has a precise definition.

由于每个子表达式在概念上都是函数调用,因此RT要求函数的实现(即,被调用函数内部的表达式)不能访问 external 的可变状态.功能的访问(允许访问可变的 local 状态).简而言之,函数(实现)应为 pure .

Since every sub-expression is conceptually a function call, RT requires that the implementation of a function (i.e. the expression(s) inside the called function) may not access the mutable state that is external to the function (accessing the mutable local state is allowed). Put simply, the function (implementation) should be pure.


Definition of pure function

通常说一个纯函数没有副作用".效果 一词没有确切的定义,因此有些人不同意.

A pure function is often said to have "no side-effects". The term effects does not have a precise definition, so some people don't agree.


  • 唯一可观察到的输出是返回值.
  • 唯一的输出依赖项是参数.
  • 在生成任何输出之前已完全确定参数.


Remember that RT applies to expressions (which includes function calls) and purity applies to (implementations of) functions.


An obscure example of impure functions that make RT expressions is concurrency, but this is because the purity is broken at the interrupt abstraction layer. You don't really need to know this. To make RT expressions, you call pure functions.


为声明式编程引用的任何其他属性,例如Wikipedia使用的 1999年的引用,要么从RT派生出来,要么与命令式编程共享.因此证明我的精确定义是正确的.

Any other attribute cited for declarative programming, e.g. the citation from 1999 used by Wikipedia, either derives from RT, or is shared with imperative programming. Thus proving that my precise definition is correct.


Note, immutability of external values is a subset of the requirements for RT.

  • 声明性语言没有循环控制结构,例如forwhile,因为由于不变性,循环条件永远不会改变.

  • Declarative languages don't have looping control structures, e.g. for and while, because due to immutability, the loop condition would never change.


Declarative languages don't express control-flow other than nested function order (a.k.a logical dependencies), because due to immutability, other choices of evaluation order do not change the result (see below).


Declarative languages express logical "steps" (i.e. the nested RT function call order), but whether each function call is a higher level semantic (i.e. "what to do") is not a requirement of declarative programming. The distinction from imperative is that due to immutability (i.e. more generally RT), these "steps" cannot depend on mutable state, rather only the relational order of the expressed logic (i.e. the order of nesting of the function calls, a.k.a. sub-expressions).


For example, the HTML paragraph <p> cannot be displayed until the sub-expressions (i.e. tags) in the paragraph have been evaluated. There is no mutable state, only an order dependency due to the logical relationship of tag hierarchy (nesting of sub-expressions, which are analogously nested function calls).


Thus there is the derivative attribute of immutability (more generally RT), that declarative expressions, express only the logical relationships of the constituent parts (i.e. of the sub-expression function arguments) and not mutable state relationships.



The choice of evaluation order of sub-expressions can only give a varying result when any of the function calls are not RT (i.e. the function is not pure), e.g. some mutable state external to a function is accessed within the function.

例如,给定一些嵌套表达式,例如如果函数fgh是纯函数,则f( g(a, b), h(c, d) ),对函数参数的急切和惰性求值将得到相同的结果.

For example, given some nested expressions, e.g. f( g(a, b), h(c, d) ), eager and lazy evaluation of the function arguments will give the same results if the functions f, g, and h are pure.


Whereas, if the functions f, g, and h are not pure, then the choice of evaluation order can give a different result.


Note, nested expressions are conceptually nested functions, since expression operators are just function calls masquerading as unary prefix, unary postfix, or binary infix notation.

如果所有标识符(例如, abcd到处都是不可变的,无法访问程序外部的状态(即I/O),并且没有抽象层损坏,那么功能永远都是纯净的.

Tangentially, if all identifiers, e.g. a, b, c, d, are immutable everywhere, state external to the program cannot be accessed (i.e. I/O), and there is no abstraction layer breakage, then functions are always pure.

顺便说一下,Haskell具有不同的语法f (g a b) (h c d).

By the way, Haskell has a different syntax, f (g a b) (h c d).


函数是从输入到输出的状态转换(不是可变的存储值).对于 pure 函数调用的RT组合,这些状态转换的执行顺序是独立的.由于没有副作用,并且 RT函数可以替换为它的原理,因此每个函数调用的状态转换都独立于其他函数调用缓存的值.要更正一个普遍的误解,纯单原子组成为 始终为声明性且RT ,尽管Haskell的IO monad是可以说是不纯的程序外部的World状态(但在下面的警告中,副作用是隔离的.)

A function is a state transition (not a mutable stored value) from the input to the output. For RT compositions of calls to pure functions, the order-of-execution of these state transitions is independent. The state transition of each function call is independent of the others, due to lack of side-effects and the principle that an RT function may be replaced by its cached value. To correct a popular misconception, pure monadic composition is always declarative and RT, in spite of the fact that Haskell's IO monad is arguably impure and thus imperative w.r.t. the World state external to the program (but in the sense of the caveat below, the side-effects are isolated).


Eager evaluation means the functions arguments are evaluated before the function is called, and lazy evaluation means the arguments are not evaluated until (and if) they are accessed within the function.

定义:在函数 definition 位置声明函数 parameters ,并在函数 arguments 中提供函数功能 call 网站.了解参数参数之间的区别.

Definition: function parameters are declared at the function definition site, and function arguments are supplied at the function call site. Know the difference between parameter and argument.

从概念上讲,所有表达式都是函数调用(由其组成),例如常量是没有输入的函数,一元运算符是具有一个输入的函数,二进制中缀运算符是具有两个输入的函数,构造函数是函数,甚至控制语句(例如ifforwhile)都可以用函数建模. 订购这些 argument 函数(不要与嵌套函数调用顺序混淆),例如f( g() )可能会急切地对g进行评估,然后对f进行评估,或者对f进行评估,并且仅在f中需要它的结果时才懒惰地评估g.

Conceptually, all expressions are (a composition of) function calls, e.g. constants are functions without inputs, unary operators are functions with one input, binary infix operators are functions with two inputs, constructors are functions, and even control statements (e.g. if, for, while) can be modeled with functions. The order that these argument functions (do not confuse with nested function call order) are evaluated is not declared by the syntax, e.g. f( g() ) could eagerly evaluate g then f on g's result or it could evaluate f and only lazily evaluate g when its result is needed within f.


Caveat, no Turing complete language (i.e. that allows unbounded recursion) is perfectly declarative, e.g. lazy evaluation introduces memory and time indeterminism. But these side-effects due to the choice of evaluation order are limited to memory consumption, execution time, latency, non-termination, and external hysteresis thus external synchronization.



Because declarative programming cannot have loops, then the only way to iterate is functional recursion. It is in this sense that functional programming is related to declarative programming.

但是功能性编程不限于声明性编程.可以与子类型进行对比,尤其是关于,其中扩展可以通过添加子类型或功能分解. 扩展可以是两种方法的组合.

But functional programming is not limited to declarative programming. Functional composition can be contrasted with subtyping, especially with respect to the Expression Problem, where extension can be achieved by either adding subtypes or functional decomposition. Extension can be a mix of both methodologies.


Functional programming usually makes the function a first-class object, meaning the function type can appear in the grammar anywhere any other type may. The upshot is that functions can input and operate on functions, thus providing for separation-of-concerns by emphasizing function composition, i.e. separating the dependencies among the subcomputations of a deterministic computation.


For example, instead of writing a separate function (and employing recursion instead of loops if the function must also be declarative) for each of an infinite number of possible specialized actions that could be applied to each element of a collection, functional programming employs reusable iteration functions, e.g. map, fold, filter. These iteration functions input a first-class specialized action function. These iteration functions iterate the collection and call the input specialized action function for each element. These action functions are more concise because they no longer need to contain the looping statements to iterate the collection.


However, note that if a function is not pure, then it is really a procedure. We can perhaps argue that functional programming that uses impure functions, is really procedural programming. Thus if we agree that declarative expressions are RT, then we can say that procedural programming is not declarative programming, and thus we might argue that functional programming is always RT and must be a subset of declarative programming.



This functional composition with first-class functions can express the depth in the parallelism by separating out the independent function.


Both concurrency and parallelism also require declarative programming, i.e. immutability and RT.



FP evaluation order

Note the evaluation order also impacts the termination and performance side-effects of functional composition.

渴望(CBV)和懒惰(CBN)是绝对决斗[ 10 ],因为它们具有相反的求值顺序,即首先对外部函数还是内部函数求值.想象一下倒置的树,然后急切地从功能树分支求值,将分支层次结构推向顶层功能主干;而懒惰则从主干到分支提示进行评估.渴望的人没有合积(和",a/k/a类别的积"),懒惰的人没有合取的副产品(或",a/k/a类别的和")[ 11 ].

Eager (CBV) and lazy (CBN) are categorical duels[10], because they have reversed evaluation order, i.e. whether the outer or inner functions respectively are evaluated first. Imagine an upside-down tree, then eager evaluates from function tree branch tips up the branch hierarchy to the top-level function trunk; whereas, lazy evaluates from the trunk down to the branch tips. Eager doesn't have conjunctive products ("and", a/k/a categorical "products") and lazy doesn't have disjunctive coproducts ("or", a/k/a categorical "sums")[11].


  • 渴望

  • Eager


As with non-termination, eager is too eager with conjunctive functional composition, i.e. compositional control structure does unnecessary work that isn't done with lazy. For example, eager eagerly and unnecessarily maps the entire list to booleans, when it is composed with a fold that terminates on the first true element.

这项不必要的工作是造成最多"一个额外的 log n因素的原因分别具有纯函数的渴望与懒惰的顺序时间复杂性.一种解决方案是将函子(例如列表)与惰性构造函数(即,渴望使用可选的惰性产品)一起使用,因为渴望的不正确性源自内部函数.这是因为乘积是构造性类型,即归纳类型,其初始代数在初始定点上[ 11 ]

This unnecessary work is the cause of the claimed "up to" an extra log n factor in the sequential time complexity of eager versus lazy, both with pure functions. A solution is to use functors (e.g. lists) with lazy constructors (i.e. eager with optional lazy products), because with eager the eagerness incorrectness originates from the inner function. This is because products are constructive types, i.e. inductive types with an initial algebra on an initial fixpoint[11]


与非终止一样,懒惰对于分离的功能组成也过于懒惰,也就是说,共性最终性可能会比必要的发生晚,从而导致不必要的工作和对不确定性的不确定性,这不是渴望的[ 10 ] [ 11 ].最终状态的示例包括状态,时间,非终止和运行时异常.这些是命令性的副作用,但是即使使用纯声明性语言(例如Haskell),命令性IO monad中也存在状态隐含在空间分配中(注意:并非所有monads都是命令性的!),时序是相对于命令性而言的状态.真实世界.即使使用可选的急切的副产品,也使用惰性"会将惰性"泄漏到内部副产品中,因为对于惰性,惰性不正确源自外部函数(请参见非终止"部分的示例,其中==是外部二进制运算符函数).这是因为副产品受最终性约束,即在最终对象上具有最终代数的共归类型[ 11 ].

As with non-termination, lazy is too lazy with disjunctive functional composition, i.e. coinductive finality can occur later than necessary, resulting in both unnecessary work and non-determinism of the lateness that isn't the case with eager[10][11]. Examples of finality are state, timing, non-termination, and runtime exceptions. These are imperative side-effects, but even in a pure declarative language (e.g. Haskell), there is state in the imperative IO monad (note: not all monads are imperative!) implicit in space allocation, and timing is state relative to the imperative real world. Using lazy even with optional eager coproducts leaks "laziness" into inner coproducts, because with lazy the laziness incorrectness originates from the outer function (see the example in the Non-termination section, where == is an outer binary operator function). This is because coproducts are bounded by finality, i.e. coinductive types with a final algebra on an final object[11].


Lazy causes indeterminism in the design and debugging of functions for latency and space, the debugging of which is probably beyond the capabilities of the majority of programmers, because of the dissonance between the declared function hierarchy and the runtime order-of-evaluation. Lazy pure functions evaluated with eager, could potentially introduce previously unseen non-termination at runtime. Conversely, eager pure functions evaluated with lazy, could potentially introduce previously unseen space and latency indeterminism at runtime.



At compile-time, due to the Halting problem and mutual recursion in a Turing complete language, functions can't generally be guaranteed to terminate.

渴望而又不懒惰,对于Head和" Tail的结合,如果HeadTail都没有终止,则分别List( Head(), Tail() ).tail == Tail()List( Head(), Tail() ).head == Head()都不成立因为左侧不终止,右侧则终止.

With eager but not lazy, for the conjunction of Head "and" Tail, if either Head or Tail doesn't terminate, then respectively either List( Head(), Tail() ).tail == Tail() or List( Head(), Tail() ).head == Head() is not true because the left-side doesn't, and right-side does, terminate.


Whereas, with lazy both sides terminate. Thus eager is too eager with conjunctive products, and non-terminates (including runtime exceptions) in those cases where it isn't necessary.


出于懒惰,但不急于将1或" 2分开,如果f没有终止,则List( f ? 1 : 2, 3 ).tail == (f ? List( 1, 3 ) : List( 2, 3 )).tail不成立,因为左侧终止了,右侧没有.

With lazy but not eager, for the disjunction of 1 "or" 2, if f doesn't terminate, then List( f ? 1 : 2, 3 ).tail == (f ? List( 1, 3 ) : List( 2, 3 )).tail is not true because the left-side terminates, and right-side doesn't.


Whereas, with eager neither side terminates so the equality test is never reached. Thus lazy is too lazy with disjunctive coproducts, and in those cases fails to terminate (including runtime exceptions) after doing more work than eager would have.

[ 10 ]声明性连续性和分类对偶,Filinski,第2.5.4节SCL中的CBV和CBN以及3.6.1 CBV和CBN的比较.

[10] Declarative Continuations and Categorical Duality, Filinski, sections 2.5.4 A comparison of CBV and CBN, and 3.6.1 CBV and CBN in the SCL.

[ 11 ]声明性连续性和分类对偶,Filinski,第2.2.1节产品和副产品,2.2.2最终对象和初始对象,带有懒惰产品的2.5.2 CBV和带有渴望的副产品的2.5.3 CBN.

[11] Declarative Continuations and Categorical Duality, Filinski, sections 2.2.1 Products and coproducts, 2.2.2 Terminal and initial objects, 2.5.2 CBV with lazy products, and 2.5.3 CBN with eager coproducts.


05-27 17:47