我正在为新的全栈项目采用 GraphQL,并且我已经研究了许多概念并开始了我的第一个项目.
I´m adopting GraphQL for new fullstack projects and I´ve already studies many of the concepts and started my first projects.
我的问题与使用声明式与编程式 GraphQL 模式定义有关.基本上我在 GraphQL 官方网站 中看到的所有内容都使用声明式方法:您在一个或多个文件中定义架构,例如(感谢 这里的示例):
My question is related to use declarative vs programatically GraphQL schema definition. Basically all I can see in the GraphQL official site uses the declarative approach: you define the schema in one or more files like (thanks to this example here):
type Brand {
name: String
logoUrl: String
enum Gender {
type Image {
thumbnailUrl: String
smallUrl: String
mediumUrl: String
largeUrl: String
type Article {
id: ID! # non-nullable, is guaranteed to exist on every article
name: String
thumbnailUrl: String
brand: Brand
genders: [Gender]
images: [Image]
recommendations: [Article]
type Query {
Article(id: ID!): Article
Articles: [Articles]
Very clean and concise code even for a somehow complex data structure.
But most of examples I see on web and even on books that I´ve studied use the programatically approach to build the schema, something like:
import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLInputObjectType } from 'graphql';
import {GraphQLNonNull, GraphQLID, GraphQLList } from 'graphql';
import { GraphQLString, GraphQLInt, GraphQLBoolean } from 'graphql';
import { UserType } from '../User/types';
import UserModel from '../../../models/User';
const fields = {
_id: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID)
name: {
type: GraphQLString
phone: {
type: GraphQLString
const CompanyType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Company',
description: 'Company',
fields: fields
const Company = {
type: CompanyType,
description: 'Get single company',
args: {
id: {
name: 'id',
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID)
resolve(root, params) {
params.deleted = false;
return CompanyModel.find(params).exec();
const Companies = {
type: new GraphQLList(CompanyType),
description: 'Get all companies',
resolve(root) {
const companies = CompanyModel.find({ deleted: false }).exec();
if (!companies) {
throw new Error('Error getting companies.')
return companies;
export default {
我的目标是构建一个大型 SaaS 应用程序,因此架构会变得非常复杂,我担心代码很快就会变得复杂.
My goal is to build a large SaaS application, so the schema will get pretty complex and my worry is that the code gets complex pretty soon.
So, should I go for a declarative approach, a programmatically approach or a mix of two?
What is the best practices here?
There's a good bit of discussion on this topic here and here.
恕我直言,在 GraphQL 模式语言中定义模式的最大优势是可读性.它使您的架构易于阅读和理解,特别是对于可能正在查询端点但实际上并未参与其设计的内部用户.我认为这也使得定义和更改架构更不容易出错.
IMHO, the biggest advantage to defining your schema in GraphQL schema language is the readability. It makes your schema easy to read and understand, especially to internal users who may be querying the endpoint but not actually involved in it's design. I think it also makes defining and changing the schema less error-prone.
另一方面,以编程方式定义架构提供了更大的灵活性.例如,如果您使用 buildSchema
On the other hand, defining the schema programatically offers a lot more flexibility. For example, if you use buildSchema
, you're limited to passing in resolvers for just your queries and mutations. This works fine if you're ok with every type just utilizing the default resolver -- but what happens when you need to define resolvers for individual fields?
以编程方式定义架构允许您为您指定的任何类型中的各个字段定义解析器.这不仅有助于转换您从数据库中获取的数据(将 thumbanail_url
转换为 thumbnailUrl
Defining the schema programatically allows you to define resolvers for individual fields within any of the types you specify. Not only does this help transform the data you're getting back from your database (turning that thumbanail_url
into a thumbnailUrl
field), but if those fields require additional database queries, it prevents them from firing off unless the field is actually requested, which can be a significant performance boost. As the documentation points out, this approach is also useful if you want to generate the schema automatically.
就我个人而言,这就是为什么我喜欢 graphql-tools
makeExecutableSchema.这是一种中间方法,允许您以非常干净的方式定义类型(使用 GraphQL 架构语言),同时在实现解析器时允许有很大的灵活性.
Personally, this is why I love graphql-tools
makeExecutableSchema. It's kind of a middle-of-the-road approach, allowing you to define your types in a very clean way (using GraphQL schema language), while allowing for a good bit of flexibility in implementing resolvers.
这篇关于声明式与编程式 GraphQL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!