


Please consider the following piece of code

#include <stdio.h>
#define ROW_SIZE 2
#define COL_SIZE 2

int main()
   int a[ROW_SIZE][COL_SIZE]={{1,2},{3,4}};

   // Base address:Pointer to the first element a 1D array
   printf("Base address of array:%p\n",a);

   //The value at the base address: should be the address of 1st 1D array
   printf("Value at the Base address:%p\n",*a);

   return 0;


Sample Output:
Base address of array:0xbff77434
Value at the Base address:0xbff77434




Arrays aren't pointers, and in C, a multidimensional array is just an array of arrays. In many contexts, using the name of an array "decays" into a pointer to the first element of that array. That's what happens in both of your print statements. In the first case:

printf("Base address of array:%p\n",a);

A 变的指针数组的第一元素 - 即,指针阵列的第一行。在你的情况,这意味着你得到类型的指针 INT(*)[2]

a becomes a pointer to the first element of the array - that is, a pointer to the first row of your array. In your case, that means you get a pointer of type int (*)[2].


printf("Value at the Base address:%p\n",*a);

同样的衰减情况,但后来取消引用该指针。这意味着你提领该 INT(*)[2] 指针到第一行,再次留给你一个数组(第一排)。该数组的本身的衰变为指针的及其的第一个元素,给您造成为int * 指针(至第一第一行的元素)。

The same decaying happens, but then you dereference that pointer. That means you dereferenced that int (*)[2] pointer to the first row, leaving you with an array again (the first row). That array itself decays into a pointer to its first element, giving you a resulting int * pointer (to the first element of the first row).

在这两种情况下的地址是相同的,因为这是该阵列是如何在存储器布局。如果我们说你的二维数组开始在地址 0 ,它看起来像这样(假设4个字节 INT 键入)

In both cases the address is the same, since that's how the array is laid out in memory. If we said your 2D array started at address 0, it would look like this (assuming a 4 byte int type):

 Address       Value
    0            1
    4            2
    8            3
   12            4

的第一行的地址和第一行的第一个元件的地址都 0


05-27 17:17