


 浮动** masterbuf;
masterbuf = arralloc(的sizeof(浮动); 2,M,N);


 浮动masterbuf [M] [N];




 无效pgmwrite(字符*文件名,无效* VX,诠释NX,诠释NY)
  FILE * FP;  INT I,J,K,灰色;  浮XMIN,XMAX,TMP,未来值;
  浮脱粒= 255.0;  浮动* X =(浮点*)VX;  如果(NULL ==(FP =的fopen(文件名,在w)))
    fprintf中(标准错误,pgmwrite:无法创建<%S> \\ N,文件名);
  }  的printf(写%深x%d张图片到文件:%s \\ n,NX,NY,文件名);  / *
   * /  XMIN =晶圆厂(X [0]);
  XMAX =晶圆厂(X [0]);  对于(i = 0; I< NX * NY;我++)
    如果(晶圆厂(X [I])LT; XMIN)XMIN =晶圆厂(X [I]);
    如果(晶圆厂(X [I])GT; XMAX)XMAX =晶圆厂(X [I]);
  }  如果(XMIN == XMAX)XMIN = XMAX-1.0;  fprintf中(FP,P2 \\ n);
  fprintf中(FP#写的pgmwrite \\ n);
  fprintf中(FP,%D \\ n,NX,NY);
  fprintf中(FP,%d个\\ N(INT)脱粒);  K = 0;  为(J = NY-1; J> = 0; j--)
    对于(i = 0; I< NX;我++)
      / *
       *访问x的值[I] [J]。
       * /      TMP =×〔J + NY * I]      / *
       * /      未来值= THRESH *((晶圆厂(TMP)-xmin)/(XMAX-XMIN))+ 0.5;
      灰色=(int)的未来值;      fprintf中(FP,%3D,灰色);      如果(0 ==第(k + 1)%16)fprintf中(FP,\\ n);      ķ++;
  }  如果(0 = K%16!)fprintf中(FP,\\ n);


您masterbuf的两个定义可以都创建2D阵列,但它们不以同样的方式这样做。该功能以创造空间数据指针 - 不仅仅是数据与单纯的静态数组的定义。这是什么工程以意思是说,在pgmwrite(),而X [I] [j]的将返回相同的结果而不管所使用的方法,其中x [Ⅰ]将意味着,因为指针的参与两个不同的东西。

这是值得注意的,你会得到编译器的线索,你应该改变无效* VX 中的原型问题浮* VX 。既然你立即和无条件地铸造了这一空白*为float *,它会是更好的做法,无论如何做到这一点。


I have a MPI program for image processing (pgm file) in MPI C and I use Dynamic allocation for a 2D Array as follows.

float **masterbuf;
masterbuf = arralloc(sizeof(float), 2, M, N);

When I use

float masterbuf[M][N];

the image that the program gives looks fine.

The problem is that when I use dynamic allocation the image loses some pixels in its left side. So these missing pixels create a black line. It's like the image has been shifted 2 pixels right. I don't do any other operations to the image, just read it and print it again.

The function that I use to write the image is:

void pgmwrite(char *filename, void *vx, int nx, int ny)
  FILE *fp;

  int i, j, k, grey;

  float xmin, xmax, tmp, fval;
  float thresh = 255.0;

  float *x = (float *) vx;

  if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename,"w")))
    fprintf(stderr, "pgmwrite: cannot create <%s>\n", filename);

  printf("Writing %d x %d picture into file: %s\n", nx, ny, filename);

   *  Find the max and min absolute values of the array

  xmin = fabs(x[0]);
  xmax = fabs(x[0]);

  for (i=0; i < nx*ny; i++)
    if (fabs(x[i]) < xmin) xmin = fabs(x[i]);
    if (fabs(x[i]) > xmax) xmax = fabs(x[i]);

  if (xmin == xmax) xmin = xmax-1.0;

  fprintf(fp, "P2\n");
  fprintf(fp, "# Written by pgmwrite\n");
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", nx, ny);
  fprintf(fp, "%d\n", (int) thresh);

  k = 0;

  for (j=ny-1; j >=0 ; j--)
    for (i=0; i < nx; i++)
       *  Access the value of x[i][j]

      tmp = x[j+ny*i];

       *  Scale the value appropriately so it lies between 0 and thresh

      fval = thresh*((fabs(tmp)-xmin)/(xmax-xmin))+0.5;
      grey = (int) fval;

      fprintf(fp, "%3d ", grey);

      if (0 == (k+1)%16) fprintf(fp, "\n");


  if (0 != k%16) fprintf(fp, "\n");

Your two definitions of masterbuf may both create 2D arrays, but they don't do so in the same way. The function arralloc() creates space for data and pointers--not just data as with the simple static array definition. What this works out to mean is that in pgmwrite(), while x[i][j] will return the same result regardless of the method used, x[i] will mean two different things because of the pointer involvement.

It's worth noting that you'll be given a clue by the compiler as to the problem should you change void *vx in the prototype to float *vx. Since you're immediately and unconditionally casting this void * to a float *, it'd be much better practice to do this anyhow.

(2nd edit:) Also, if interested, check out this response. It shows how to index using two dimensions into a single malloc'd block, without arralloc().


05-27 17:15