本文介绍了用C BSS段的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在回答这个问题的一个Regarding在Unix中 BSS段和数据段,我看到BSS的解释如下:

In one of the answers to the question "Regarding the bss segment and data segment in Unix", I see the explanation on bss as follows:



But when I use size on the object file, generated out of the code:

#include <stdio.h>
int uninit_global_var;
int init_global_var=5;

int main()
   int local_var;
   return 0;


text    data      bss    dec     hex filename
1231     280      12    1523     5f3 a.out


and see the bss growing based on the uninitialized data members with global scope. So can anyone justify the mentioned statement?



If you remove stdio.h your output will probably be more meaningful. Lets ignore that library, since it contains internal variables.


In your specific case, the following happens:

int uninit_global_var;

由于这是在的分配的变量文件范围的中拥有的静态存储持续时间的,就像任何变量声明为静态。 C标准要求,如果具有静态存储持续时间的变量不是由程序员显式地初始化,如在这种情况下,它必须被设置为零,程序开始之前。所有这些变量都放在的.bss 段。

Since this is a variable allocated at file scope in has static storage duration, just as any variable declared as static. The C standard requires that if a variable with static storage duration is not initialized explicitly by the programmer, as in this case, it must be set to zero, before the program starts. All such variables are put in the .bss segment.

int init_global_var=5;

此变量也分配在文件范围内,所以它也将有静态存储持续时间。但在这种情况下,它是由程序员初始化。 C标准要求这些变量被设置为给定的值,该程序开始之前。这样的变量都放在。数据段。

This variable is also allocated at file scope, so it will also have static storage duration. But in this case it is initialised by the programmer. The C standard demands that such variables are set to the value given, before the program starts. Such variables are placed in the .data segment.

   int local_var;


This variable has automatic storage duration (local). The compiler will most likely optimize away this variable as it fills no purpose. But lets assume that such optimization doesn't take place. The variable will then be allocated in runtime, when the scope (block) it resides in is executed and then cease to exist once that scope is finsihed (it goes out of scope). It will be allocated either on the stack or in a CPU register. In other words, at link time this variable only exists as program code, in the form of some assembler instruction saying "push an int on the stack" and then later "pop an int from the stack".


How these different kind of variables are initialized depends on the system. But typically there will be some code injected by the compiler before main is called. This is an over-simplification, but for pedagogy's sake, you can imagine that your program actually looks like this:

  int uninit_global_var;

  int init_global_var;


int start_of_program (void) // called by OS
  memset(bss, 0, bss_size);
  memcpy(data, rodata, data_size);

  return main();



与真正的非易失性存储器中的嵌入式系统将工作酷似上述code,而基于RAM的系统可以不同的方式解决了数据初始化部分。 BSS适用于所有系统相同。

Embedded systems with true non-volatile memory will work exactly like the above code, while RAM-based systems may solve the data initialization part differently. bss works the same on all systems.


You can easily verify that they are stored in different segments by running the following program:

char uninit1;
char uninit2;
char init1 = 1;
char init2 = 2;

int main (void)
  char local1 = 1;
  char local2 = 2;

  printf("bss\t%p\t%p\n", &uninit1, &uninit2);
  printf("data\t%p\t%p\n", &init1, &init2);
  printf("auto\t%p\t%p\n", &local1, &local2);

您将看到UNINIT变量在相邻的地址分配,但在与其他变量不同的地址。同样的,初始化的变量。 局部变量可以在任何地方分配的,所以你得到任何形式奇怪的地址来自这两个结果。

You will see that "uninit" variables are allocated at adjacent addresses, but at different addresses from the other variables. Same with "init" variables. "local" variables can be allocated anywhere so you get any kind of strange address as result from those two.

这篇关于用C BSS段的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 17:14