本文介绍了VS2015 C ++:无法将函数定义与现有声明匹配的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图使NCORR库在VS2015 C ++上工作。

I try to make NCORR library work on VS2015 C++. The library was originally written on Linux.


As part of the library there is code similar to

#include <chrono>

template<typename T_container>
struct container_traits {
    typedef typename T_container::container              nonconst_container;

template <typename T_container>
class base_region {

    typedef typename container_traits<T_container>::nonconst_container nonconst_container;

    template<typename T_container2>
    typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename container_traits<T_container2>::nonconst_container, typename nonconst_container>::value, base_region&>::type operator=(const base_region<T_container2>&);

template <typename T_container>
template <typename T_container2>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename container_traits<T_container2>::nonconst_container, typename base_region<T_container>::nonconst_container>::value, base_region<T_container>&>::type base_region<T_container>::operator=(const base_region<T_container2>& reg) {
    return *this;

int main()
    return 0;

当我尝试在VS2015 win32控制台应用程序上编译代码时, / p>

When I try to compile the code on VS2015 win32 console application, I get

C2244   'base_region<T_container>::operator =': unable to match function definition to an existing declaration  ConsoleApplication5

我认为问题是 typename nonconst_container $ c> typename base_region< T_container> :: nonconst_container 在定义中。

I think the problem is typename nonconst_container in declaration vs typename base_region<T_container>::nonconst_container in definition.

你知道什么是错的, ?

Do you know what is wrong and how can I make the code work?


首先, typename nonconst_container typename 只允许在限定名称之前。

First, typename nonconst_container is ill-formed. typename is only allowed before a qualified name.

MSVC似乎有匹配 nonconst_container在类模板定义中的和在类外成员函数定义中的 typename base_region< T_container> :: nonconst_container

MSVC seems to have problems matching nonconst_container in the class template definition and the typename base_region<T_container>::nonconst_container in the out-of-class member function definition.

解决方法(也较短)是使用 trailing-return-type

A workaround (which is also shorter) is to use a trailing-return-type:

template <typename T_container>
template <typename T_container2>
auto base_region<T_container>::operator=(const base_region<T_container2>& reg)
  -> typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename container_traits<T_container2>::nonconst_container,
                                          nonconst_container>::value, base_region&>::type
                                       // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          ^^^^^^^^^^^

base_region< T_container> :: operator = 之后的所有内容在成员函数体中使用(特别是,它将首先查看类成员),所以你可以写 nonconst_container base_region& ,并愉快地回避MSVC错误。

Everything after base_region<T_container>::operator= gets looked up just like a name used in the member function body (in particular, it will first look at class members), so you can just write nonconst_container and base_region&, and happily sidestep the MSVC bug.

这篇关于VS2015 C ++:无法将函数定义与现有声明匹配的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 17:08