我希望我的 C 函数能够有效地计算两个 64 位有符号整数的乘积的高 64 位.我知道如何在 x86-64 程序集中使用 imulq 并从 %rdx 中提取结果.但是我完全不知道如何用 C 编写它,更不用说哄编译器高效地完成它了.
I would like my C function to efficiently compute the high 64 bits of the product of two 64 bit signed ints. I know how to do this in x86-64 assembly, with imulq and pulling the result out of %rdx. But I'm at a loss for how to write this in C at all, let alone coax the compiler to do it efficiently.
有没有人对用 C 写这个有什么建议?这是性能敏感的,因此手动方法"(如俄罗斯农民或 bignum 库)已被淘汰.
Does anyone have any suggestions for writing this in C? This is performance sensitive, so "manual methods" (like Russian Peasant, or bignum libraries) are out.
This dorky inline assembly function I wrote works and is roughly the codegen I'm after:
static long mull_hi(long inp1, long inp2) {
long output = -1;
__asm__("movq %[inp1], %%rax;"
"imulq %[inp2];"
"movq %%rdx, %[output];"
: [output] "=r" (output)
: [inp1] "r" (inp1), [inp2] "r" (inp2)
:"%rax", "%rdx");
return output;
如果您在 x86_64 上使用相对较新的 GCC:
If you're using a relatively recent GCC on x86_64:
int64_t mulHi(int64_t x, int64_t y) {
return (int64_t)((__int128_t)x*y >> 64);
在 -O1 及更高版本,这将编译为您想要的:
At -O1 and higher, this compiles to what you want:
0000000000000000 movq %rsi,%rax
0000000000000003 imulq %rdi
0000000000000006 movq %rdx,%rax
0000000000000009 ret
我相信 clang 和 VC++ 也支持 __int128_t 类型,所以这也应该适用于这些平台,但通常需要注意的是自己尝试.
I believe that clang and VC++ also have support for the __int128_t type, so this should also work on those platforms, with the usual caveats about trying it yourself.
这篇关于用 C 计算 64x64 int 乘积的高 64 位的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!