


How do i declare this in Interface and Class in C#.

viewTrains(string source,string destination):List<ITrain>




I am making a Console Application, There is a requirement of This Method, But i am in Confusion how To Declare This Method in Interface and Inherit in Class. I Search a Lot Like "List with Type Interface" but i haven''t find Anything. and also Please tell me, What is called in C#. Please Help Me. Thanks.

What I have tried:

I Tried:-

interface ITrain
        int Id { get; set; }
        string Name { get; set; }
        string Source { get; set; }
        string Destination { get; set; }

public List<ITrain> viewTrains(string source, string destination)


这样对吗 ?如果正确,则请提供此示例.

is it Right ? if Right Then Please Provide Example of this.



viewTrains(字符串源,字符串目标):List< itrain>

viewTrains(string source,string destination):List<itrain>



有关如何序列化将共享一个公共接口的不同类实例的集合序列化为接口实例:"的信息,请参见这篇文章: [ ^ ].


This doesn''t "look right" in the sense it is not valid C# code. It looks like a method declaration, but it isn''t.

A primary use of Interfaces is to enable having a Collection of different Types of object instances cast to the same Interface Type(s) they have inherited; I assume that''s what this question is really about.

edit: for information on how to serialize a collection of different Class instances that share a common Interface as a collection of Interface "instances:" see this post: [^].

So, you need to implement some Classes that inherit from ITrain, and have their own unique Properties, or Fields, or Methods:

public class RegularTrains : ITrain
   // implement all the ITrain declared Properties

   // unique to this Class
   public int YearsInService { get; set; }

    public RegularTrains(int id, string name, string source, string dest, int yrsservice)
        // assign all the ITrain parameters to the correct variables

        // unique to this class
        YearsInService = yrsservice;

public enum TechnologyType

public class HighSpeedTrains : ITrain
    // implement all the ITrain declared Properties

    // unique to this Class
    public TechnologyType TechType { get; set; }

    public HighSpeedTrains(int id, string name, string source, string dest, TechnologyType techtype)
         // assign all the ITrain parameters to the correct variables

         // unique to this class  
         TechType = techtype;


Now the question is: where and how do you create and store a list of all the Trains. One way is like this:

public static class AllTrains
    public static List<ITrain> Trains { set; get; }

    public static List<ITrain> ViewTrains(string source, string destination)
        // use Linq here to compose a List of ITRains where the supplied parameters
        // 'source and 'destination match an ITRain

因此,这里有一个静态类,可将Train Collections强制转换为ITrain形式.现在,列表如何添加项目?一种方法是使用继承的类构造函数:

So, here you have a static class that keeps a Collection of Trains cast to their ITrain form. Now how does the list get items added; one way is to use the inheriting classes constructors:

public RegularTrains(int id, string name, string source, string dest, int yrsservice)
    // assign all the ITrain parameters to the correct variables

    // unique to this class
    YearsInService = yrsservice;

    // add the current instance to the static List


Then, you can do something like this:

RegularTrain rtrain = new RegularTrain(1,"r1","Topeka", "Chicago", 14);
HighSpeedTrain strain = new HighSpeedTrain(2, "h1", "Topeka", "Chicago", TechnologyType.Maglev);

var allTrains = AllTrains.ViewTrains("Topeka", "Chicago");

请注意,将RegularTrain类的新实例添加到静态ITrain列表中并不需要将实例强制转换为Type ITrain :转换在类型系统中是隐式的.


在Visual Studio中使用IntelliSense来检查ITrain列表,并查看一个特定的项目,您可以了解反射如何从界面看向基本类型.

Note that adding the new instance of the RegularTrain Class to the static List of ITrain did not require casting the instance to Type ITrain: the conversion is implicit in the Type system.

When you cast an object to an Interface it inherits from, essentially you have created a "view" of the object: that view restricts you to seeing (accessing) only the Properties or Methods declared in the Interface: the object is still "there" with all its unique fields, properties, methods: it has not been copied.

Use IntelliSense in Visual Studio to examine the List of ITrain, and look at a specific item, and you can get an idea of how Reflection can look beyond the interface into the fundamental Type.


05-27 16:19