libtool g ++ -c -fPIC -I / usr / include -I $(APXS_INCLUDEDIR)-I。 -I- $(APXS_CFLAGS)$(APXS_CFLAGS_SHLIB)-Wall -o $ @`pcre-config --cflags` $< ## ################################################## ############### #linking ################# ################################################## objects = mod_cms.o cms_request_data.o epcre.o$(对象) libtool g ++ -W -fPIC - shared -L / usr / lib -lodbc ++`pcre-config --libs` `pcre-config --cflags` -o $ @ $(对象) 8< --------样本手册makefile 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< -------- 8< - ------ - | Henri Schom?cker - VIRTUAL HOMES | DatendesignfürInternet和Intranet | | |公钥:/.gnupg / public_key.txt -Hi folks,I am developing a apache2 so module in c++.At the moment, I''m trying to get it to compile with automake & friends, butdon''t get it to work. I tried to modify the example in the programmer-docs.I created a simple c++ project and deleted the src subdir and copied mysourcecode files into the basedir.(That''s not where I want to let them in the end, but I thought it might beeasier in the beginning)Then I copied the sample over the existing one and edited it towhat I thought would fit my needs, but It just didn''t work. The autotoolsjust stopped with error code 2. No more "messages", no "problems".Could please someone help me to make a working out of the sampleinfo of my manual makefile? - If you''re familiar with the autotools, pleasepoint me into the right direction.I want to build, dynamically linked to the apache2 and odbc++libs.Many thanks in advance,yours Henri8<-------- Sample manual makefile 8<--------8<--------8<--------8<--------################################################## ################## configuring################################################## #################APXS=apxs2APACHECTL=apache2ctl# Get all of apxs''s internal values.APXS_CC=`$(APXS) -q CC`APXS_TARGET=`$(APXS) -q TARGET`APXS_CFLAGS=`$(APXS) -q CFLAGS`APXS_SBINDIR=`$(APXS) -q SBINDIR`APXS_CFLAGS_SHLIB=`$(APXS) -q CFLAGS_SHLIB`APXS_INCLUDEDIR=`$(APXS) -q INCLUDEDIR`APXS_LD_SHLIB=`$(APXS) -q LD_SHLIB`APXS_LIBEXECDIR=`$(APXS) -q LIBEXECDIR`APXS_LDFLAGS_SHLIB=`$(APXS) -q LDFLAGS_SHLIB`APXS_SYSCONFDIR=`$(APXS) -q SYSCONFDIR`APXS_LIBS_SHLIB=`$(APXS) -q LIBS_SHLIB`################################################## ################## compiling################################################## #################mod_cms.o: mod_cms.cpplibtool g++ -W -c -fPIC -I$(APXS_INCLUDEDIR) -I/usr/include/odbc++ -I. -I-$(APXS_CFLAGS) $(APXS_CFLAGS_SHLIB) -Wall -o $@ $<cms_request_data.o: cms_request_data.cpplibtool g++ -c -fPIC -I$(APXS_INCLUDEDIR) -I. -I- $(APXS_CFLAGS)$(APXS_CFLAGS_SHLIB) -Wall -o $@ $<epcre.o: epcre.cpplibtool g++ -c -fPIC -I/usr/include -I$(APXS_INCLUDEDIR) -I. -I-$(APXS_CFLAGS) $(APXS_CFLAGS_SHLIB) -Wall -o $@ `pcre-config --cflags` $<################################################## ################## linking################################################## #################objects = mod_cms.o cms_request_data.o $(objects)libtool g++ -W -fPIC -shared -L/usr/lib -lodbc++ `pcre-config --libs``pcre-config --cflags` -o $@ $(objects)8<-------- Sample manual makefile 8<--------8<--------8<--------8<----------| Henri Schom?cker - VIRTUAL HOMES| Datendesign für Internet und Intranet||| Public Key: /.gnupg/public_key.txt--推荐答案(APXS)-q CC` APXS_TARGET =`(APXS) -q CC`APXS_TARGET=`(APXS)-q TARGET` APXS_CFLAGS =`(APXS) -q TARGET`APXS_CFLAGS=`( APXS)-q CFLAGS` APXS_SBINDIR =`(APXS) -q CFLAGS`APXS_SBINDIR=` 这篇关于请用autotools帮我一点的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!