


I often find that I know that a certain property of a base class will always be a certain type in a subclass. For instance, in the example below, property obj will always be an NSString object in Derived. However, I need this property to be the more generic id type in class Base.

@interface Base
@property (strong, nonatomic) id obj;

@implementation Base
//@synthesize obj = obj_;
@dynamic obj;

@interface Derived : Base
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *obj;

@implementation Derived
@synthesize obj = obj_;


Is this code correct? I am concerned that @synthesize appears twice. Is this creating two properties, or does the @synthesize declaration in Derived override the one in Base?


Changing @synthesize to @dynamic in Base makes more sense.

编辑:这需要iOS SDK 5.

This requires iOS SDK 5.



Subclasses can change types associated with methods. In general, a subclass may specialize a return type, and may make argument types more generic. There's actually a name for this but I can't remember what it is. Anyway, here's the rational:


@interface A
- (id)foo;


@interface B : A
- (NSString *)foo;

我有一个实例B* b,我可以将其转换为A*并仍然符合方法-[A foo]的类型签名,因为任何NSString*也是id.

And I have an instance B* b, I can cast it down to A* and still conform to the type signature of the method -[A foo], because any NSString* is also an id.


However, I cannot make this more generalized. If instead I have

@interface A
- (NSString *)foo;

@interface B : A
- (id)foo;

我有一个实例B* b,并将其强制转换为A*,然后[(A*)b foo]的类型为NSString *,但是实际值可以是任何id,因为这是我声明的类型-[B foo]是.这违反了类型系统.

And I have an instance B* b and I cast it down to A*, then the type of [(A*)b foo] is NSString * and yet the actual value may be any id, because that's the type I declared -[B foo] to be. This is a violation of the type system.


@interface A
- (void)foo:(NSString *)obj;


@interface B : A
- (void)foo:(id)obj;

我有一个实例B* b,并将其转换为A*,那么[(A*)b foo:obj]的任何有效参数也都符合-[B foo:]的类型,因为任何NSString *也是id

And I have an instance B* b and I cast it down to A*, then any valid argument to [(A*)b foo:obj] also conforms to the type of -[B foo:], because any NSString * is also an id.


However if I have the following

@interface A
- (void)foo:(id)obj;

@interface B : A
- (void)foo:(NSString *)obj;

我有一个实例B* b,并将其强制转换为A*,然后可以将任何id传递给[(A*)b foo:obj],但是基础类B仅期望NSString*.因此,我违反了类型系统.

And I have an instance B* b and I cast it down to A*, then I could pass any id to [(A*)b foo:obj], but the underlying class B only expects NSString*s. And thus I've violated the type system.

这是症结所在.声明属性的类型时,您同时声明了getter 的返回类型和setter的参数类型.根据上述规则,这意味着您无法更改属性的类型,因为在两种情况之一中,您将违反类型系统.

Here is the sticky point. When you declare the type of a property, you're declaring both the return type of the getter and the argument type of the setter. According to the above rules, this means you cannot change the type of a property, because in one of the two cases you'll be violating the type system.


The above is the theory. In practice, I have no idea if GCC or Clang enforce these constraints. It's possible that they assume the programmer knows best, and improperly generalizing or specializing a type will silently break the type system behind your back. You'll have to experiment. But if the compiler is truly correct then it will disallow generalizing return types and specializing arguments. And that means it will disallow changing the type of a property.


Even if the compiler allows it, you probably shouldn't do it. Silently breaking the type system is a great way to introduce bugs, and an indicator of poor architecture.


05-27 16:09