本文介绍了友元类或朋友的成员函数 - 转发声明并列入头的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Yeah the question topic has been discussed so many times. And I'm almost clear about the difference. I've just one doubt related to an example in the book.

此问题是,我在那里presented取2班为例相关书中C ++入门。

This question is related to my previous question, where I presented 2 classes taken as example in the book C++ Primer.


In reference to those classes, the book quotes the following paragraph, specially related to the declaration of member function of WindowManager class as friend function. Here's what it says:


  • 首先,定义Window_mgr类,它声明,但无法定义,明确的。

  • 接下来,定义级屏幕,其中包括一个朋友声明清楚。

  • 最后,定义清晰,它现在可以参照成员画面。


在这个问题psented的code我$ P $如下仅此结构。但似乎它不工作了。这使我认为,如果上述各点的误导还是我没有正确地执行它。

The code I presented in that question follows this structure only. But it seems that it is not working out. This makes me think if the above points are misguiding or I didn't implement it correctly.

问题是,当我宣布明确功能在 ScreenCls 友元函数类,我陷入循环列入的头文件。我在这里再次外判两个类的特定部分:

The problem is, when I declare the clear function as friend function in ScreenCls class, I fall into cyclic inclusion of header files. I'll brief out the specific part of both classes here again:


#include <iostream>

#include "WindowManager.h"

using namespace std;

class ScreenCls {
    friend void WindowManager::clear(ScreenIndex);

    // Some other code

在这里,我以包括 WindowManager.h 头文件,如明确函数现在使用 ScreenIndex 那里定义。 转发宣言的不会在这里(纠正我,如果我错了)。

Here I've to include the WindowManager.h header file, as clear function is now using the ScreenIndex defined there. Forward Declaration won't work here (Correct me if I'm wrong).

现在,接下来我们进入到 WindowManager.h

Now, next we move on to WindowManager.h:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "ScreenCls.h"

using namespace std;

class WindowManager {
    // location ID for each screen on window
    using ScreenIndex = vector<ScreenCls>::size_type;

    vector<ScreenCls> screens{ ScreenCls(24, 80, ' ') };

和精力集中到屏幕的声明在这里。他们使用列表中初始化的添加默认的 ScreenCls 矢量。所以,在这里我们再次需要包括 WindowManager.h 。现在我们进入循环包容。这$ P $从建设pvents我的项目。

And concentrate onto the declaration of screens here. They have used list initializer to add a default ScreenCls to the vector. So, here again we need to include the WindowManager.h. And now we are into cyclic inclusion. This prevents my project from building.


However, if I change the friend function declaration to make the entire class as friend, then I can work with forward declaring the WindowManager class. In that case, it will work fine.


So, basically friend function isn't working here, but friend class is working. So, is it that the above points are not going well with their implementation, or there's something wrong with my classes? I just want to know this to clearly understand the concept of header inclusion and forward declaration.


The questions linked in my previous question describe that well. But it's just that it's not working in the above situation, so I'm asking it again.


我猜你的问题是与屏幕初始化。你不能初始化是一个类中* .h文件的任何数据。所以,我建议你做这样的事情:

I guess your problem is with the screen initializer. You cannot initialize any data in *.h files that are inside a class. So, I suggest you to do something like that:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
//#include "ScreenCls.h"

using namespace std;
class ScreenCls;

class WindowManager {
    // location ID for each screen on window
    using ScreenIndex = vector<ScreenCls>::size_type;

    vector<ScreenCls> screens; //{ ScreenCls(24, 80, ' ') };    remove this

这篇关于友元类或朋友的成员函数 - 转发声明并列入头的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 15:47