本文介绍了在库中强制为C ++模板实例定义符号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'd like to provide a library that provides template code. But I would also like to keep the most possible the ownership of this code (generated code) when I can guess the usage of different usual types of my template. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:


#include <iostream>

template<int N>
void print_me() {
    std::cout << "I am function number " << N << std::endl;


#include "lib1.h"

/* Force symbols to be defined here. */
template void print_me<0>();
template void print_me<1>();


I compile my library using:


And when I use my library:


#include <lib1.h>

int main() {


在这里我希望从lib1.so中定义和使用符号print_me< 0>()和print_me< 1>()并为我的可执行文件定义和使用print_me< 2>()(检查nm-仅定义).但是似乎并非如此! 0和1的符号已在lib1.so中定义好,但为符号.并且再次在我的可执行文件(0、1和2)中重新定义,弱.这意味着我的可执行文件的0和1代码是从main.cpp中获取的,这不是我想要的(我在main.cpp中检查了规格).

Here I would expect that the symbol print_me<0>() and print_me<1>() are defined and used from lib1.so and print_me<2>() defined and used for my executable (checked with nm --defined-only). But it seems that this is not the case! The symbols for 0 and 1 are well defined in lib1.so but as weak symbols. And are redefined in my executable (0, 1 and 2) again, weak. That implies that the code for 0 and 1 for my executable is taken from main.cpp which is not what I want (I checked with specification in main.cpp).


Is there a way (in the lib1.h for instance) to say at compile time of main.cpp that the symbols are already defined somewhere and that it does not need to add these symbols?


C ++ 11解决方案:使用外部模板.只需将这些字符串添加到您的main.cpp文件中:

C++11 solution: use extern templates. Simply add these strings to your main.cpp file:

extern template void print_me<0>();
extern template void print_me<1>();

因此,您告诉编译器不要在main.cpp中实例化print_me函数模板(对于模板参数0和1).因此,链接器应在其他翻译单位中搜索void print_me<0>();void print_me<1>();的定义.

Thus you tell compiler not to instantiate print_me function template in main.cpp (for template arguments 0 and 1). So linker should search definition of void print_me<0>(); and void print_me<1>(); in other translation units.

这篇关于在库中强制为C ++模板实例定义符号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 14:52