本文介绍了Visual Studio 2010先决条件x64安装错误代码1603的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


安装Visual Studio 2010,安装在Visual Studio 2010先决条件x64上停止

Installing Visual Studio 2010, installation stops at Visual Studio 2010 Prerequisites x64

我有:Windows 7 Ultimate x64

I have: Windows 7 Ultimate x64


I tried installing it manually and it also failed


The message says Setup Failed and the error log says:

[08/22/12,12:31:29] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64): [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64). MSI returned error code 1603
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 64bit Prerequisites (x64) is not installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates TFS Object Model (x64) was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Web Deployment Tool (x64) was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2010 Tools was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 was not attempted to be installed.
[08/22/12,12:31:31] VS70pgui: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft Silverlight was not attempted to be installed.


在为问题苦苦挣扎数小时后,我记得过去也遇到过同样的问题.两次都出现问题是因为我以前已经成功安装了Visual Studio 2010(或Visual Studio 2010 Express),与此同时,我已经在现在尝试安装它的同一台PC上卸载了它.这意味着我在卸载并尝试重新安装时遇到安装问题.

After struggling for many hours with the problem, I remembered having the same problem in the past. Both times the problem occurred because I had previously successfully installed Visual Studio 2010 (or Visual Studio 2010 Express) and in the meantime I have uninstalled it at the same PC where I try to install it now. This means that I get the problem with the installation when I uninstall it and try to install it again.


Then I saw an error 2908 in the installation log. I googled it and found this:

http ://www.add-in-express.com/creating-addins-blog/2007/11/12/windows-installer-error-2908/


The problem is that when I uninstall VS2010 some registry entries don't get cleared, so the installer thinks that these components are already installed. The man in the article above found this entry in the registry and deleted it. After that he was able to install VS2010 again.

关于我的问题,我没有找到有问题的条目,因此我不得不从头开始重新安装Windows 7,然后在我的新OS上成功安装了VS2010.

Regarding my problem, I didn't find the problematic entry, so I had to reinstall Windows 7 from the beginning and then VS2010 installed successfully on my new OS.


Unfortunately the problem is not detectable in the same way for every PC so there is no specific solution. Anyway it has to do with Windows registry, so if anyone finds anything more, please add a comment to help others.


By the way I notice that many people have problems with VS2010 installation

这篇关于Visual Studio 2010先决条件x64安装错误代码1603的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 14:15