I want to change screen resolution with c# code in desktop application.
This is a similar question to "I want to change the clock" or "I want to change the user password" or "I want to change the Windows theme". An application program has no business making such system configuration changes, accordingly it isn't wrapped by the .NET framework.
您可以做到这一点,但它需要的P / Invoke。使用 ChangeDisplaySettingsEx()。不完全是简单易用,也非常安全的使用。许多LCD面板仅看在一个特定的分辨率,即用户所选择的1好。采摘的分辨率显示器不能支持产生黑屏和三指敬礼。烟中的美好时光。
You can do it, but it will require P/Invoke. Use ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(). Not exactly easy to use, nor very safe to use. Lots of LCD panels only look good in one particular resolution, the one that the user selected. Picking a resolution that the monitor cannot support produces a black screen and the three-finger salute. Smoke in the good old days.