本文介绍了哪些编程语言和语言特性低于 10?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


似乎有许多新"语言,但实际上,大多数流行的、非实验性的语言似乎都已经十几岁了,而真正的主流语言比大多数初级程序员都要年长.现在,当我意识到即使是时髦"的 Ruby 语言本月(1994 年 2 月)也是 15 时,我才想起了这个显而易见的事实.虽然像 Haskell 这样的东西,在每个人的学习"列表中甚至比这更古老.

It seems there are many 'new' languages around but in reality it seems like most of the popular, non experimental, ones are already in their teens and the truely mainstream are older than most junior programmers. Now I just remembered this obvious fact when I realized even the 'hip' Ruby language is 15 this month (February 1994). While stuff like Haskell, that's in everyones 'to learn' list is even older than that.

想想它唯一真正的新语言,在常用的情况下,我能想到的不到 10 是 C#.但即使是 C# 也没有真正拥有任何新功能,尽管它继承了其前辈的一些最佳功能.

Thinking about it the only really new language, in common use, I could think of that's under 10 is C#. But even C# doesn't really have any new features to it, although it has picked up some of the best features of it's predecessors.

所以我想知道现在有哪些新语言以及它们相应的新功能/想法不到 10 种?从现在起 10 年后有什么事情可能会大吗?有什么值得期待的新语言功能吗?或者我们已经完成了???

So I'm wondering what new languages, and their corresponding new features/ideas are under 10 right now? Anything that's likely to be big 10 years from now? Any new language features to look forward to? Or are we done already???

显然,没有什么不是混合或改进的真正新东西.也许 LOLCODE 是因为它被设计为荒谬至上,但即使是像 Brainf*ck 和 WhiteSpace 这样的东西基本上都是基于堆栈的古老汇编语言.

Apparently there is nothing really new that isn't a hybrid or refinement. Maybe LOLCODE because it's designed to be absurd above all else, but even stuff like Brainf*ck and WhiteSpace are basically ancient stack based assembly languages.


Have we reached the encyclopedic era of programming languages?




Sure, there are "new" languages popping up all the time. But I used the scare-quotes because all the examples usually offered are:

  • 重新包装(用另一​​种语言)几十年来在计算科学和数学领域存在的想法,或者
  • 比这更古老但最近才被主流"世界发现"的语言/技术.


  • Lambda calculus goes back to Mathematics and logic in the 1930s,
  • functional programming goes back to LISP in the late 1950s,
  • John Backus discussed FP in his 1977 Turing Award lecture (pdf),
  • John Hughes' paper Why Functional Programming Matters was written in 1984,
  • comprehensions go back to set theory in the 1870s and SETL in the 1960s,
  • parser combinators were promoted by Phil Wadler in the mid 1980s and go back to combinatory logic in the 1920s,
  • and so on.


The work of promoting, popularizing, applying, and refining these (and many other) important ideas is worthwhile. But that doesn't make those uses truly innovative.


Of course, I will be delighted if anyone can provide an example of a truly original concept in programming that didn't exist ten years ago.

这篇关于哪些编程语言和语言特性低于 10?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 13:51