我正计划学习一种创建自己的编程语言的方法,我想知道用哪种语言编写编译器。 C? C ++?
I was planning on learning a way to create my own programming language and I wanted to know what language to write a compiler with. C? C++?
Windows Vista和更高版本默认情况下安装了.NET Framework。这反过来已经提供了.NET语言(最著名的是C#和VB.NET)的编译器。这是您可能会用它编写高效编译器的唯一提供的语言。其他语言是VBScript和JScript(通过Windows Scripting Host)和批处理文件,因此您根本不想在其中实现更复杂的东西。
Windows Vista and newer come with the .NET Framework installed by default. That in turn already provides a compiler for the .NET languages (most notably C# and VB.NET). It's the only provided language you could possibly write an efficient compiler in. Other languages are VBScript and JScript (via windows Scripting Host) and batch files, so nothing you'd really want to implement more complicated stuff in.
但是,取决于您要创建的语言的复杂性,C ++实现可能会提供更好的性能。没有冒犯,但您并没有给人留下真正的印象,即您确实知道如何为新语言实现编译器。 Greg Hewgill的链接应为您提供一些起点。问题是,创建新的(正式)语言绝非易事。是的,这样做的工具是免费的,知识也是免费的。但是您甚至在尝试编写编译器或解释器之前,实际上应该已经对您要编写的编程语言有扎实的了解。
Depending on the complexity of the language you want to create, a C++ implementation may provide better performance, though. No offense, but you don't quite make the impression that you really know how to implement a compiler for a new language. Greg Hewgill's link should give you some starting points there. The thing is, creating a new (formal) language is anything but a trivial task. Yes, the tools to do it are free, and so is the knowledge. But you should really already have a solid understanding of the programming language you want to write the compiler or interpreter in before even attempting to do it.
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