There have been some questions about whether or not JavaScript is an object-oriented language. Even a statement, "just because a language has objects doesn't make it OO."
Is JavaScript an object-oriented language?
IMO(这只是一种意见) 面向对象语言的关键特性是它支持。几乎所有动态语言都是这样做的。
IMO (and it is only an opinion) the key characteristic of an object orientated language would be that it would support polymorphism. Pretty much all dynamic languages do that.
The next characteristic would be encapsulation and that is pretty easy to do in Javascript also.
但是在许多人的想法是 (特别是实现继承),这将平衡一种语言是否有资格被称为面向对象。
However in the minds of many it is inheritance (specifically implementation inheritance) which would tip the balance as to whether a language qualifies to be called object oriented.
Javascript does provide a fairly easy means to inherit implementation via prototyping but this is at the expense of encapsulation.
So if your criteria for object orientation is the classic threesome of polymorphism, encapsulation and inheritance then Javascript doesn't pass.
编辑:提出补充问题原型继承如何牺牲封装?考虑这个非原型方法的例子: -
Edit: The supplementary question is raised "how does prototypal inheritance sacrifice encapsulation?" Consider this example of a non-prototypal approach:-
function MyClass() {
var _value = 1;
this.getValue = function() { return _value; }
_value属性是封装的,不能由外部代码直接修改。我们可能会在类中添加一个mutator来修改它,完全由作为类的一部分的代码控制。现在考虑对同一类的原型方法: -
The _value attribute is encapsulated, it cannot be modified directly by external code. We might add a mutator to the class to modify it in a way entirely controlled by code that is part of the class. Now consider a prototypal approach to the same class:-
function MyClass() {
var _value = 1;
MyClass.prototype.getValue = function() { return _value; }
Well this is broken. Since the function assigned to getValue is no longer in scope with _value it can't access it. We would need to promote _value to an attribute of this
but that would make it accessable outside of the control of code written for the class, hence encapsulation is broken.
Despite this my vote still remains that Javascript is object oriented. Why? Because given an OOD I can implement it in Javascript.