


I've only done minor unit testing at various points in my career. Whenever I start diving into it again, it always troubles me how to prove that my tests are correct. How can I tell that there isn't a bug in my unit test? Usually I end up running the app, proving it works, then using the unit test as a sort of regression test. What is the recommended approach and/or what is the approach you take to this problem?


I also realize that you could write small, granular unit tests that would be easy to understand. However, if you assume that small, granular code is flawless and bulletproof, you could just write small, granular programs and not need unit testing.


For the arguments "unit testing is for making sure your changes don't break anything" and "this will only happen if the test has the exact same flaw as the code", what if the test overfits? It's possible to pass both good and bad code with a bad test. My main question is what good is unit testing since if your tests can be flawed you can't really improve your confidence in your code, can't really prove your refactoring worked, and can't really prove that you met the specification?



The unit test should express the "contract" of whatever you are testing. It's more or less the specification of the unit put into code. As such, given the specs, it should be more or less obvious whether the unit tests are "correct".

但我不会太担心单元测试的正确性".它们是软件的一部分,因此,它们也很可能是不正确的.单元测试的重点 - 从我的观点来看 - 是它们确保您的软件的合同"不会意外被破坏.这就是单元测试如此有价值的原因:您可以在软件中进行挖掘,重构某些部分,更改其他部分的算法,并且您的单元测试会告诉您是否破坏了任何东西.即使不正确单元测试也会告诉你这一点.

But I would not worry too much about the "correctness" of the unit tests. They are part of the software, and as such, they could well be incorrect as well. The point of unit tests - from my POV - is that they ensure the "contract" of your software is not broken by accident. That is what makes unit tests so valuable: You can dig around in the software, refactor some parts, change the algorithms in others, and your unit tests will tell you if you broke anything. Even incorrect unit tests will tell you that.

如果您的单元测试中存在错误,您会发现 - 因为单元测试失败,而被测试的代码却是正确的.那么,修复单元测试.没什么大不了的.

If there is a bug in your unit tests, you will find out - because the unit test fails while the tested code turns out to be correct. Well then, fix the unit test. No big deal.


05-27 13:17