根据关于Daring Fireball的,新的iPhone SDK协议版本与iPhone OS 4.0今天宣布专门禁止任何 iPhone应用程序未在C,C ++ Objective-C或JavaScript 中实现。这里明显的影响是用这些语言编写的各种程序。
According to this post on Daring Fireball a new iPhone SDK Agreement release in conjunction with the iPhone OS 4.0 announcement today specifically bans any iPhone application not implemented in C, C++ Objective-C or JavaScript. The clear impact here is to the wide array of programs written in languages other than those.
Is that your reading of the clause in the new agreement as well?
更新:以下是Daring Fireball上打印的条款:
Update: Here is the clause as printed on Daring Fireball:
Apple has had a ban on interpreted languages on the iPhone for a while now, but yes, I suppose this makes the ban more clear and more precise. I imagine that yes, Apple is saying that if you use a language other than C, C++, Objective-C, or JavaScript, you run the risk of having your app rejected from the App Store on those grounds.
这篇关于是C / C ++ / ObjC / Swift / JS Apple是唯一允许iPhone开发的语言吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!