


I asked the following question in this post (pasted below for convenience). One of the comments suggested that there is a CRTP-based solution to the problem. I am not able to figure out how CRTP is relevant here (well, I never used CRTP before, so I am not used to thinking in these terms). So, how would a CRTP-based solution look like?


它是一个基于CRTP的解决方案可能写一个模板函数,它将拥有模板参数的基类的类型信息? (假设模板参数只来自一个类)

Is it possible to write a template function that would possess type information about the base class of the template argument? (assuming that the template argument derives from one class only)


So, I am looking for something like this:

template <class T>
auto f(T t) -> decltype(...) { // ... is some SFINAE magic that
                               //     catches B, the base of T
    std::cout << (B)t << std::endl;

一些相关背景:实现 A * 算法。模板参数是 Node 结构。因此,用户可以定义:

Some relevant background: I am writing a generic implementation of the A* algorithm. The template argument is a Node structure. So, the user might define:

struct NodeBase {
    REFLECTABLE((double)g, (double)f)
        // Using the REFLECTABLE macro as described here:
        // http://stackoverflow.com/a/11744832/2725810

struct NodeData : public NodeBase {
    using Base1 = NodeBase;

我想编写一个打印节点结构内容的函数。 REFLECTABLE 执行提取 struct 的字段的所有艰苦工作。但是,当用户给我一个 NodeData 实例时,我的函数需要打印 NodeBase 组件的内容。我想稍后为两个和三个基类添加我的函数的重载。

I would like to write a function that prints the contents of the node structure. REFLECTABLE does all the hard work of extracting the fields of the struct. However, when the user gives me a NodeData instance, my function needs to print the contents of the NodeBase component as well. I would like to later add overloads of my function for two and three base classes.


基类我们有std :: is_base_of<>模板结构,它可以与部分专门化或std :: enable_if结合使用。

to know whether a class derives from a base class we have the std::is_base_of<> template structure, which can be used in conjunction with partial specialisation, or std::enable_if.


Here is a demonstration of using a partially specialised structure to apply a an operation depending on whether it's derived from node_base or not (in this case, it just prints the base object but you could do any other operation)

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

// base class
struct node_base


std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const node_base& nb)
    os << "node_base_stuff";
    return os;

// a class derived from node_base
struct node : public node_base


// a class not derived from node_base
struct not_node


// apply the general case - do nothing
template<class T, class = void>
struct report_impl
    static void apply(const T&) {};

// apply the case where an object T is derived from node_base
template<class T>
struct report_impl<T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of<node_base, T>::value > >
    static void apply(const T& t) {
        std::cout << static_cast<const node_base&>(t) << std::endl;

// the general form of the report function defers to the partially
// specialised application class
template<class T>
void report(const T& t)

using namespace std;

// a quick test
auto main() -> int
    node n;
    not_node nn;

    return 0;




05-27 12:55