

我向棋盘游戏应用程序添加了Google Play游戏服务支持,并通过与GPGS示例应用程序"A型号码"示例应用程序类似的方式,通过相应的客户实现了Achievements和排行榜.使用adb和我的测试人员帐户进行调试时,这些功能可以正常工作.当我将应用发布到生产环境时,排行榜开始显示消息嗯,Play游戏出现了问题".此外,成就可以解锁并且可以正确显示.但是在关闭应用程序后,此进度将丢失.

I added Google Play Games Services support to my board game app and implemented Achievements and a Leaderboard through the corresponding clients in a similar way as the GPGS sample app "Type A Number" did. When debugging with adb and my tester account, these features worked fine. When I released the app into production, the Leaderboard started showing the message "Hmm, something went wrong in Play Games". Additionally, achievements can be unlocked and are being shown properly. But after closing the app, this progress is being lost.

在Google API下-> Google Play游戏服务我收到了GPGS API调用的反馈(在生产阶段):

Under Google APIs -> Google Play Games Services I get this feedback of the GPGS API calls (in the production phase):



Since the release, I apparently mainly get 401 as a response code according to the metrics.

解决方案: Google Play游戏不起作用在PlayStore中发布的应用程序



Have the same issue - it looks like Play Services do not work correctly for the testers atm. I have the app that is live and an update which is in closed Alpha. Tested with the test account with the same issue. Then tried the same closed alpha update (previously installed by test user) with the user who is not listed as tester and Services worked fine. Didn't push the update live though - will update when it's live and Play Services status is rechecked.


05-27 12:46