I've recently embarked into Java programming and consider myself a programming novice. It seem that I'm having an issue with my source code arithmetic. I have verified all the nested if-else statements and they all work up to the final else statement's arithmetic. It doesn't calculating correctly I have set the arithmetic up just as the above if-else statements.
else语句假定从金额中减去40,然后加上1%的费用.我已经尝试过else语句fee = ((checkAmount - 40) * .01)
和fee = ((checkAmount * .01) - 40)
the else statement is suppose to subtract 40 from the amount and then apply 1 percent charge. I have tried for the else statement fee = ((checkAmount - 40) * .01)
and fee = ((checkAmount * .01) - 40)
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ServiceCharge {
public static void main(String[] args)
double checkAmount;
double fee;
Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("I will calulate the service charge to cash your check");
System.out.print("Enter amount of check: $");
checkAmount = kb.nextDouble();
if (checkAmount > 0)
if (checkAmount <= 10)
fee = -1;
System.out.println("$1 service charge");
checkAmount = checkAmount + fee;
System.err.println("You have " + checkAmount + " left after service charge.");
else if ((checkAmount > 10) && (checkAmount <= 100))
System.out.println("There will be a 10 percent charge.");
fee = (checkAmount * .10);
checkAmount = checkAmount - fee;
System.out.printf("Processing fee: $%.2f\n" , fee);
System.out.printf("Check amount: $%.2f\n" , checkAmount);
else if ((checkAmount > 100) && (checkAmount <= 1000))
System.out.println("There will be a $5 charge plus 5 percent");
fee = ((checkAmount - 5) * .05);
checkAmount = (checkAmount - fee);
System.out.printf("Processing fee: $%.2f\n" , fee);
System.out.printf("Check amount: $%.2f\n", checkAmount);
System.out.println("$40 processing fee plus 1 percent");
fee = ((checkAmount - 40) * .01);
checkAmount = (checkAmount - fee);
System.out.printf("Processing fee: $%.2f\n" , fee);
System.out.printf("Check amount: $%.2f\n" , checkAmount);
System.out.println("Thanks for using Service Charger." + "\nGood bye");
System.out.println("$40 processing fee plus 1 percent");
fee = ((checkAmount - 40) * .01);
那不是40美元的费用+ 1%.那是略低于1%的费用;好像您是免费兑现了前40美元,然后对剩余的部分收取1%的费用.
That's not a 40 dollar fee + 1 percent. That's a fee of slightly less than 1 percent; it's as if you cash out the first 40 dollars for free, and then apply a 1 percent charge to the rest.
Assuming the 1% charge applies to the whole check, rather than what's left after subtracting 40 dollars, the correct expression for the fee is
fee = 40 + 0.01*checkAmount;