I am interested in learning about designing web pages.I have developed ASP.NET applications but so far the UI for the applications i.e. the various controls and their layout have already been designed by someone else and I have had to work on the server side part of the application only.
Now I am looking for good books to learn about designing the web pages themselves, to sink my teeth into html and css.
Looking for books which start with the basics but tackle the advance concepts too. Also any good advanced books will also be appreciated which i can start reading after I have finished with the basic ones.
您是否对设计部分感兴趣(例如页面外观,感觉和功能应该是什么) (或两者?)
Are you interested in the design part of this (e.g. what the page look, feel and functionality should be) or the implementation opf said design? (or both?)
对于前者,有很多答案。 (useit.org和Do not Make Me Think和Joel Spolsky设计书将是我的最爱)。此外,还请。
For the former, this SO question (Learning Design for UI and Website Design) has many of the answers. (useit.org and Don't Make Me Think and Joel Spolsky design book would be my favorites). Also, see this SO question as well (Best books to learn about design).
For the latter, you will need to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Many great resources, but for the basics of JavaScript I would highly recommend to start with "JavaScript: The Good Parts".
Also, for the web site resources, peruse the answers to this SO question (What are the best web design sites?)