使用下面的javascript来制作一个由滚动事件触发的图像淡入。但是.hide im用于初始隐藏图像只在最初加载页面时起作用,输入localhost:3000。一旦我在网站中,如果我尝试点击一个链接返回到主页面,
<%= link_to'Main',root_path%>
为什么当页面最初加载时.hide工作,但是如果我单击指向同一页面的链接,.hide不起作用。 Javascript的其余部分无论如何工作,我可以滚动和图像淡入和取决于滚动的位置,但我需要它开始隐藏,并且只有当页面加载最初帮助时才起作用
function isElementVisible(elementToBeChecked){
var TopView = $(window).scrollTop();
var BotView = TopView + $(window).height();
var TopElement = $(elementToBeChecked).offset()。top + 100;
var BotElement = TopElement + $(elementToBeChecked).height(); ((BotElement< = BotView)&&(TopElement> = TopView));
$ b $(document).ready(function(){
$(#ghost_logo)。hide(); //最初隐藏它
} );
$ b $(window).scroll(function(){
isOnView = isElementVisible(#logoDiv);
} else {
$( #ghost_logo)。hide();
<%= link_to'Main',root_path,{:'data-no-turbolink'=> true}%>
im using the javascript below to make an image "fade in" triggered by a scroll event. But the .hide im using to initially hide the image only works when the page loads initially, typing localhost:3000.
Once i'm in the site if i try to click a link to go back to the main page,
<%= link_to 'Main', root_path %>
the main page loads with out the .hide working
Why does the .hide work when the page initially loads but if i click a link to the same page the .hide does not work. the rest of the Javascript works no matter what, i can scroll and the image fades in and out depending on the scroll position, but i need it to start hidden, and that only works when the page loads initially help
function isElementVisible(elementToBeChecked) {
var TopView = $(window).scrollTop();
var BotView = TopView + $(window).height();
var TopElement = $(elementToBeChecked).offset().top + 100;
var BotElement = TopElement + $(elementToBeChecked).height();
return ((BotElement <= BotView) && (TopElement >= TopView));
$("#ghost_logo").hide();// hide it initially
isOnView = isElementVisible("#logoDiv");
if (isOnView) {
//fade out small image once main logo is in view
} else {
//fade in small image once main logo is out of view
You are having a tipical problem with turbolinks, turbolinks make that DOM doesn't change when you navigate through a links, for this reason, the ready event from jQuery is never fired, you can solve this in three ways.
You can try something like:
document.addEventListener('page:load', function(){
or if this doesn't work either, try navigate with out turbolinks change a parameter of link:
<%= link_to 'Main', root_path ,{ :'data-no-turbolink' => "true" } %>
or if you want you can use this jQuery-turbolinks gem is a gem provided for solving this kind of issues.
For more information refer to turbolinks repository on github
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