我正在d3.js v4中构建此平行坐标视图的版本. https://bl.ocks.org/syntagmatic/05a5b0897a48890133beb59c815bd953
I am building a version of this parallel coordinate view in d3.js v4.https://bl.ocks.org/syntagmatic/05a5b0897a48890133beb59c815bd953
在我的示例中,我有一个预定义的选择(以[min,max]数组的形式,在绘图加载后,我想以编程方式将其设置为一个或多个轴上的画笔.但是我无法似乎找到了一种方法.我发现从代码设置画笔的大多数示例都使用d3 v3,并使用设置范围,但在v4中似乎不再起作用.
In my example I have a predefined selection (in the form of a [min,max] array that I would like to set programatically as a brush in one or more of the axes, after the plot has loaded. But I cannot seem to find a way to do it. Most examples I found on setting a brush from code are using d3 v3 and use setting extent but that does not work anymore in v4 it seems.
can someone give me some tips and a simple example hot to do this in this case (so with multiple axes and brushes active) ?
选择您的画笔组并调用 brush.move
Select your brush group and call brush.move
, then also pass an array with the start and end coordinates. Your brush move event will then take care of the rest.
d3.select(".brush").call(brush.move, [[startX, endX], [startY, endY]]);
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