We use a data acquisition card to take readings from a device that increases its signal to a peak and then falls back to near the original value. To find the peak value we currently search the array for the highest reading and use the index to determine the timing of the peak value which is used in our calculations.
This works well if the highest value is the peak we are looking for but if the device is not working correctly we can see a second peak which can be higher than the initial peak. We take 10 readings a second from 16 devices over a 90 second period.
My initial thoughts are to cycle through the readings checking to see if the previous and next points are less than the current to find a peak and construct an array of peaks. Maybe we should be looking at a average of a number of points either side of the current position to allow for noise in the system. Is this the best way to proceed or are there better techniques?
我们确实使用LabVIEW和我检查了 LAVA论坛并有许多有趣的例子。这是我们测试软件的一部分,我们正努力避免使用过多的非标六库所以我希望的反馈过程/参与,而不是特定的code算法。
We do use LabVIEW and I have checked the LAVA forums and there are a number of interesting examples. This is part of our test software and we are trying to avoid using too many non-standard VI libraries so I was hoping for feedback on the process/algorithms involved rather than specific code.
You could try signal averaging, i.e. for each point, average the value with the surrounding 3 or more points. If the noise blips are huge, then even this may not help.
我意识到,这是语言无关的,但猜你正在使用LabVIEW,有很多pre-包装信号处理的VI随之而来的LabView,你可以用做平滑和降噪。该 NI论坛是一个伟大的地方,在这样的事情得到更专业的帮助。
I realise that this was language agnostic, but guessing that you are using LabView, there are lots of pre-packaged signal processing VIs that come with LabView that you can use to do smoothing and noise reduction. The NI forums are a great place to get more specialised help on this sort of thing.