


Here id my code . when I append into the array the array remain empty . Please help me where is the mistake. Or tell me some other way also to do this

A = []
# load more files with librosa
pathAudio = "drive/My Drive/dataset/noise/"
files = librosa.util.find_files(pathAudio, ext=['wav'])
files = np.asarray(files)
for y in files:
    data, sr = librosa.load(y)
    ps = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y= data, sr=sr)
    if ps.shape != (128, 128): continue
    A.append((ps, y.files))

我检查了 ps.shape 的输出是(128,427).我认为它必须保存在该数组中

I checked the ps.shape the output was (128,427). I think it has to save in that array

我还检查了 y.files 输出是*** AttributeError:'numpy.str_'对象没有属性'files'

I also checked y.files the output was *** AttributeError: 'numpy.str_' object has no attribute 'files'



I sort out what was the error, Here is the answer.

A = []
# load more files with librosa
pathAudio = "drive/My Drive/dataset/noise/"
files = librosa.util.find_files(pathAudio, ext=['wav'])
files = np.asarray(files)
for y in files:
    data, sr = librosa.load(y)
    ps = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y= data, sr=sr)
    if ps.shape != (128, 128):
      A.append((ps, y))


05-27 10:11