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由于问题在Java 7中已修复, Java 6编译器。
I have code of the following form:
class Test { private final A t; public Test() { for ( ... : ... ) { final A u = null; } t = new A(); } private class A {} }
Compiler says:
variable t might already have been assigned
Interestingly, if I perform any of the following changes to the loop it works out!
- Change the loop's content to A u = null
- Remove the loop (but keep final A u = null;)
- Replace the foreach-style loop with a classic counting loop
What is going on here?
Note: I could not get the minimal example to cause the error so there is probably something wrong with the "environment" (about 1400 loc). I can not see what could disturb the initialisation of t, though, as t is written to nowhere else.
Fun fact: IntelliJ IDEA says "Variable 'u' can have 'final' modifier..." if I remove it.
I use javac 1.6.0_26.
Update: There you go, this example so so minimal:
import java.util.List; class A { private final boolean a; public A() { for ( final Object o : new Object[] {} ) { final Object sh = null; } a = true; } class B { private final Object b1; private final Object b2; B() { b1 = null; b2 = null; } } }
Fails to compile on javac 1.6.0_26 but compiles on javac 1.7.0_02. So I guess I hit some wicked corner case of ... something?
Note that you can do any of
- Remove any one member
- Remove final inside the loop in A()
- Replace the loop with a normal for loop, e.g. for ( int i=0; i<100; i++ ) { ... }
and it will compile.
As the problem is fixed in Java 7, it is probably a bug in the Java 6 compiler.